Sonoma and older
Download the EFI as normal and update as normal.
Download the Sequoia only EFI and if you have not already please download HeliPort to connect to a wifi, you can hold alt + click the icon to get some extra options like autostart. The latter didn't work for me so I manually added it to the startup programs.
If bluetooth isn't working please reset nvram before opening an issue.
In order to open HeliPort or any other unsigned/approved by Apple app in Sequoia simply right clicking isn't enough anymore, you also have to open the settings app and go to security and allow the app. I wonder when Apple will disallow any app installations they don't like. See screenshot below.
- OpenCore 1.0.4
- AppleALC 1.9.4
- BlueToolFixup 2.7.0
- CPUFriend 1.3.0
- FeatureUnlock 1.1.8
- IntelMausi 1.0.9
- Lilu 1.7.1
- NVMeFix 1.1.3
- RestrictEvents 1.1.6
- VirtualSMC 1.3.5
- WhateverGreen 1.7.0
Additional kexts
- AirportItlwm or itlwm 2.4.0 -- compiled from source with only the required firmware
- IntelBluetooth 2.5.0 -- same as above
- RealtekCardReader 0.9.7 -- disabled by default due to rare but random kernel panics, enable when needed
- RealtekCardReaderFriend 1.0.4 -- same as above