A parts pack that is focused on exploring other worlds, and returning safely to Kerbin. The emphasis is on surface exploration, particularly with large rockets and large landers. This pack includes fifteen (15) large parts.
By zer0Kerbal
, originally by Ed T. Toton III a.ka. NecroBones
adopted with express permission and brought to you by KerbSimpleCo
- This mod adds fifteen stockalike parts
- A four-kerbal Capsule and a three-kerbal Lander Can
- Two: sets of large landing legs
- "medium" will handle Mainsails
- "large" works with Mammoths
- Three large stackable radial parachutes
- Three (1m, 2m and 3m) static ladders
- Two (5m and 8m) very long deployable ladders
- Three service bays / rover garages.
- ChangeLog for more details of changes
- Discussions or forums for discussions and news
- GitHub Pages
- Known Issues for more details of feature requests and known issues
- Marketing Slicks
- Parts Catalog for part pictures
Review by
Kottabos Gaming
Simplified Chinese (简体中文) - xièxiè (谢谢) beefpatty
Russian( Русский) - спасибо Davian Lin
- your translation here
- Assistance with converting Landing Legs (see github issues)
- Custom IVA's
- Alternative Tech Tree integration
- Tech Tree Balancing
- Compatibility patches
- Contracts for these glorious parts
- Sample crafts/subassemblies
- Variant textures and model updates (add/improve: lights, iva, hatches et al)
- Converting from FireSpitter to Stock and/or KSPWheel
- Marketing Images and Videos such as hero shots, animated gifs, short highlights
- Translations: See the README in the Localization folder for instructions for adding or improving translations. There is also the quick start guide. GitHub push is the best way to contribute. Additions and corrections welcome!
- Have a request? Glad to have them, kindly submit through GitHub.
Most recent releases only available via CurseForge/OverWolf Website/App
📌 Pinned
- Dependencies:
NecroBones suite of mods that play nicely together
- Lithobrake Exploration Technologies (LET) lander parts, large chutes/legs/ladders/etc
- SpaceY Corporation (SYC)
- SpaceY Lifters (SYL) stock-balanced large rocket parts, 5m parts, large SRBs
- SpaceY Expanded (SYX)
- Color Coded Canisters (CCC) beautification replacement models/textures for stock tanks, with color-coded end caps, and auto-closing shrouds
- ColorFuel Lines (CFL) color-selectable fuel lines
- Joolian Discovery (JOOL)
- Modular Rocket Systems (MRS) stock-alike parts pack, NASA-like alternatives, and filling the gaps
- Modular Rocket Systems LITE (MRSL)
- SeaDragon (SEA)
- The Burger Mod (BURG)
- The Elephant Engine (ELEP)
The collection of Fuel Tanks Plus Ltd (FTPL) large stock-like tanks with Color Coded Canister style:
Foundations (FND) Helps prevent ground constructions from floating away
- ModularManagement (MM) or Module Manager
- Connected Living Space (CLS)
- RealChute Parachute Systems (rc)
parts, config
red box below is a link to forum post on how to get support
Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date
- NecroBones for creating this glorious parts addon!
- see Attribution.md for more
Author (1) - zer0Kerbal
Original Author (ROOT) (0): NecroBones
Forum: Thread - Download: CurseForge - Source: SpaceDock
All bundled mods are distributed under their own licenses
All assets, including but not limited to: animations, models, sounds and textures are distributed under their own licenses.
see Notices for more legal Mumbo Jumbo
How to support this and other great mods by zer0Kerbal
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Completely voluntary, absolutely amazing, and really does help out a lot!
and it is true.
Track progress: issues here and projects here along with The Short List