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Zerion Smart Contracts

This is a project with Zerion Smart Contracts interacting with different DeFi protocols.

Table of Contents

AdapterRegistry is AdapterAssetsManager

Registry holding array of protocol adapters and checking balances via these adapters.

view functions

function getBalancesAndRates(address user) returns (ProtocolDetail[] memory)

Iterates over adapters list and appends balances and rates.

function getBalances(address user) returns (ProtocolBalance[] memory)

Iterates over adapters list and appends balances.

function getRates() returns (ProtocolRate[] memory)

Iterates over adapters list and appends rates.

function getBalances(address user, address adapter) returns (AssetBalance[] memory)

Iterates over adapter's assets and appends balances.

function getRates(address adapter) returns (AssetRate[] memory)

Iterates over adapter's assets and appends rates.

function getBalances(address user, address adapter, address[] memory assets) returns (AssetBalance[] memory)

Iterates over given assets for given adapter and appends balances.

function getRates(address adapter, address[] memory assets) returns (AssetRate[] memory)

Iterates over given assets for given adapter and appends rates. s

AdapterAssetsManager is Ownable

Base contract for AdapterRegistry contract. Implements logic connected with Adapters and their assets management.

State variables

mapping(address => address) internal adapters;
mapping(address => address[]) internal assets;

onlyOwner functions

function addAdapter(address adapter, address[] calldata _assets)

New adapter is added before the first existing adapter.

function removeAdapter(address adapter)

function addAdapterAsset(address adapter, address asset)

New asset is added after the last adapter's asset.

function removeAdapterAsset(address adapter, uint256 assetIndex)

view functions

function getAdapterAssets(address adapter) returns (address[] memory)

function getAdapters() returns (address[] memory)


Base contract for AdapterAssetsManager and Logic contracts. Implements Ownable logic. Includes onlyOwner modifier, transferOwnership() function, and public state variable owner.

AaveAdapter is Adapter

Adapter for Aave protocol.

CompoundAdapter is Adapter

Adapter for Compound protocol.

CurveAdapter is Adapter

Adapter for protocol. Currently, there is the only pool with cDAI/cUSDC locked on it.

DSRAdapter is Adapter

Adapter for DSR protocol.

MCDAdapter is Adapter

Adapter for MCD vaults.

MKRAdapter (abstract contract)

Base contract for Maker adapters. It includes all the required constants and pure functions with calculations.

PoolTogetherAdapter is Adapter

Adapter for PoolTogether protocol.

SynthetixAdapter is Adapter

Adapter for Synthetix protocol.

getAssetAmount() function returns the following amounts:

  • amount of SNX tokens locked by minting sUSD tokens (positive);
  • amount of sUSD that should be burned to unlock SNX tokens (negative).

ZrxAdapter is Adapter

Adapter for Zrx protocol.

Adapter (abstract contract)

Base contract for protocol adapters. Includes all the functions required to be implemented. Should be stateless. Only internal constant state variables may be used.


function getProtocolName() external pure virtual returns (string memory)

MUST return name of the protocol.

getAssetAmount(address, address) external view virtual returns (uint256)

MUST return amount of the given asset locked on the protocol by the given user.

function getUnderlyingRates(address asset) external view virtual returns (Component[] memory)

MUST return struct with underlying assets exchange rates for the given asset.

Exchange rate is a number, such that

underlying asset amount = asset amount * exchange rate / 1e18

Note: rates are scaled by 1e18 due to rounding issues.


  1. (optional) Verifies the supplied signature and extracts the address of spender from it.
  2. Iterates over array of actions, checks adapter in AdapterRegistry, and delegatecalls corresponding InteractiveAdapter with assets, amounts, and additional data as arguments (deposit, or withdraw).
  3. Returns all the resulting tokens back to the user.
function executeActions(Action[] actions) external payable
function executeActions(Action[] actions, Approval[] approvals, bytes signature) external payable


Sends all the assets under the request of Logic contract. Adds all the transferred assets to the list of withdrawable/toBeWithdrawn/resulting tokens.

function transferApprovedAssets(Approval[] approvals) external returns (address[])

InteractiveAdapter is Adapter (abstract contract)

Base contract for protocol wrappers. Includes all the functions required to be implemented. Should be stateless. Only internal constant state variables may be used.


deposit(address, uint256, bytes memory) external payable virtual returns (address[] memory)

Deposits assets to the lending/borrow/swap/liquidity. MUST return addresses of the assets sent back to the msg.sender.

withdraw(address, uint256, bytes memory) external payable virtual returns (address[] memory)

Withdraws assets from the lending/borrow/swap/liquidity. MUST return addresses of the assets sent back to the msg.sender.

Use-cases for Logic contract

Swap cDAI to DSR (Chai)

The following actions array will be sent to Logic contract:

        actionType: ActionType.Withdraw,
        InteractiveAdapter: <address of cDAI wrapper>,
        asset: 0x5d3a536e4d6dbd6114cc1ead35777bab948e3643,
        amount: Amount({
            amountType: AmountType.Relative,
            value: RELATIVE_AMOUNT_BASE
        data: ""
        actionType: ActionType.Deposit,
        InteractiveAdapter: <address of chai wrapper>,
        asset: 0x5d3a536e4d6dbd6114cc1ead35777bab948e3643,
        amount: Amount({
            amountType: AmountType.Relative,
            value: RELATIVE_AMOUNT_BASE
        data: ""

Logic layer should do the following:

  1. Call redeem() function with getAssetAmount(address(this)) argument.
  2. Approve DAI to Chai contract.
  3. Call join() function with address(this) and getAssetAmount(address(this)) arguments.
  4. Add Chai token to the list of withdrawable/toBeWithdrawn/resulting tokens.

Dev notes

This project uses Truffle and web3js for all Ethereum interactions and testing.

Adding new adapter

To add new adapter with read-only functionality, one have to inherit from Adapter contract. getProtocolName(), getAssetAmount(), and getUnderlyingRates() functions MUST be implemented.

Note: only internal constant state variables and internal functions MUST be used.

getProtocolName() function has no arguments and MUST return the name of protocol.

getAssetAmount(address,address) function has two arguments of address type: the first one is asset address and the second one is user address. The function MUST return amount of given asset held on the protocol for given user.

getUnderlyingRates(address) function has only one argument – asset address. The function MUST return all the underlying assets and their exchange rates scaled by 1e18.

To add new adapter with deposit/withdraw functionality, one have to inherit from InteractiveAdapter contract. Then, implement deposit() and withdraw() functions. Both functions MUST return addresses of the assets sent back to the msg.sender, except for ETH. Functions from Adapter contract MUST be implemented as well.

Available Functionality

Compile contracts

npm run compile

Run tests

npm run test

Run Solidity code coverage

npm run coverage

Run Solidity and JS linters

npm run lint

Run all the migrations scripts

npm run deploy:network, network is either development or mainnet

Verify contract's code on Etherscan

truffle run verify ContractName@0xcontractAddress --network mainnet