friteup Public
A sample blogging app made around GraphQL using Apollo-client for react.
Boilerplate for setting up react project with TS and web-workers.
matching-game Public
A card matching game built as a part of chingu pre-work project, using React hooks API only.
flask-ease Public
Flask extension for creating REST APIs. You get autogenerated OpenAPI spec (with Redoc and Swagger Docs), Request parsing and validations (query, path, body, form and files). Response Validation. I…
permissions_system Public
An alternative to admin utilities for more autonomy and control.
qwikinsights Public
Making data science more accessible.
indico Public
Forked from indico/indicoIndico - A feature-rich event management system, made @ CERN, the place where the Web was born.
permissions_system_example Public
spectree Public
Forked from 0b01001001/spectreeAPI spec validator and OpenAPI document generator for Python web frameworks.
update-golang Public
Forked from udhos/update-golangupdate-golang is a script to easily fetch and install new Golang releases with minimum system intrusion
gatsby-with-apollo Public
Forked from jlengstorf/gatsby-with-apolloDemo of combining build-time Gatsby queries with client-side Apollo queries.
slide-in-panel Public
A react component for easily implementing “slide in/out on touch” feature for all devices with touch screens.
KnowYourStocks Public
Using alphavantage API to fetch NASDAQ enlisted stocks and display it in tabular form.
Have a look at my insights here ->
fastapi-mongodb-realworld-example-app Public
Forked from markqiu/fastapi-mongodb-realworld-example-appBackend logic implementation for https://github.com/gothinkster/realworld with awesome FastAPI
forkify-app Public
Forkify app from Jonas Schmedtmann's Javascript course.