This is a jquery plugin which can create a color pallatte like "painter".
Since I am a Chinese, so this plugin is write for some Chinese base project, If your are feel more comfortable reading in Chinese, try this: 中文文档
- IE9+
- Firefox (latest)
- Safari (latest)
- Chrome (latest)
- Opera (latest)
Note: Opera has not been test, but this plugin would work well theoretically.
option | default | type | Description |
targetObj | '' | jquery object | When confirm btn has been click, which target object will be given an color. |
resultFormat | 'string' | null/tring | optional: [null/'string'/'background'/'color'] Target assignment format, will assign color 'string' to target in default; background: will assign target css with background; color: will assign target css with color; null will do nothing |
delay | 300 | int(ms) | Show/hide time delay. |
closeBtn | true | bool | Show the close button or not. |
showMethod | 'slide' | string | optional:['slide'/'fade'] Show/hide method |
confirm | null | function | Call back function that you can defined yourself, this will be excute after confirm button has been click. |
Method can only be call after the plugin has been initialize.
Way to initialize:
var Palette = $('Selector').colorPalatte();
- getColor:
Get current color.
Palette.colorPalatte('getColor'); - setColor:
Set color to the color given.
Mind that the second param can be a HEX color string / a rgb(r,g,b) string / a rgba(r,g,b,a) string.
Palette.colorPalatte('setColor', '#0F0');
Date | version | Description |
2016-05-18 | V1.0 | original version create. |