Python aircrack-ng bindings
This library exports a basic aircrack-ng API aiming to keep always a small readable codebase.
This has led to a simple library that executes each of the aircrack-ng's suite commands and auto-detects its usage instructions. Based on that, it dinamically builds classes inheriting that usage as docstring and a run() method that accepts keyword parameters and arguments, and checks them BEFORE trying to run them.
This can be easily understood as:
# Run aircrack-ng in quiet mode against foo.cap from pyrcrack import AircrackNg AircrackNg().run('foo.cap', q=True)
Or, returning a coroutine:
from pyrcrack import AircrackNg cmd = AircrackNg() cmd.sync = False'foo.cap')
Distribution may be done in the usual setuptools way. If you don't want to use pipenv, just use requirements.txt file as usual and remove Pipfile, will auto-detect Pipfile removal and won't try to update requirements.
Note that, to enforce compatibility between PBR and Pipenv, this updates the tools/pip-requires and tools/test-requires files each time you do a dist command
This package uses PBR and pipenv. Pipenv can be easily replaced by a virtualenv by keeping requirements.txt instead of using pipenv flow. If you don't need, or you're not actually using git + setuptools distribution system, you can enable PBR manual versioning by creating a METADATA file with content like:
Name: pyrcrack Version: 0.0.1
This package contains a extra-requires section specifiying doc dependencies. There's a special hook in place that will automatically install them whenever we try to build its dependencies, thus enabling us to simply execute:
pipenv run python build_sphinx
to install documentation dependencies and buildd HTML documentation in docs/build/
Running tests should always be done inside pipenv. This package uses behave for TDD and pytest for unit tests, you can execute non-wip tests and behavioral tests using:
pipenv run python test