The contents of this repo are a proof of concept and are for educational use only
1. This repository is a fork updated of NecroBot-NECROBOTIO
2. This repository is a fork updated of NecroBot-NecronomiconCoding
3. This repository is a fork updated of NecroBot-NoxxDev
- [PTC Login / Google]
- [Get Map Objects and Inventory]
- [Search for forts/spawns]
- [Farm forts]
- [Farm all Monster in neighbourhood]
- [Throw Berries/use best ball]
- [Transfers duplicate Monsters]
- [Evolve / Upgrade all Monster]
- [Throws away unneeded items]
- [Humanlike Walking]
- [Humanlike Throwing]
- [Configurable Custom Pathing]
- [Softban bypass]
- [AutoUpdate / VersionCheck]
- [Multilanguage Support]
- [Use lucky egg while evolve]
- [Egg Hatching Automatically]
- [Multi bot support]
- [Snipe Monster]
- Manual Locations
- Automatic Locations
- HumanWalk Sniping
- MSniper Sniping
- [Power-Up Monster]
- [Telegram Remote Control Support]
This Website and Project is in no way affiliated with, authorized, maintained, sponsored or endorsed by ANYONE. This is an independent and unofficial project for educational use ONLY. Do not use for any other purpose than education, testing and research.
This is not a public release, just a project with releases for code testers for education and research on any privacy issues for the end user.