tektoncd/cli#290 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Add rainbow colouring of the steps | 2019/09/08-05:36
tektoncd/cli#292 | [danielhelfand] add SilenceUsage: true to root.go | 2019/09/08-22:11
tektoncd/cli#293 | [Carlos Santana] Update install instructions in readme to 0.3.1 | 2019/09/08-23:39
tektoncd/cli#279 | [16yuki0702] Add deletion scenario to e2e test | 2019/09/09-02:17
tektoncd/cli#279 | [16yuki0702] Fix to use -f flag | 2019/09/09-02:17
tektoncd/cli#300 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Use a older version of thrift | 2019/09/09-08:48
tektoncd/cli#300 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Don't run go mod vendor on every build | 2019/09/09-08:48
tektoncd/cli#301 | [Chmouel Boudjnah] E2E tests fixes | 2019/09/09-12:00
tektoncd/cli#303 | [danielhelfand] add taskrun describe command | 2019/09/10-02:15
tektoncd/cli#304 | [16yuki0702] Fix document typos | 2019/09/10-04:45
null | [Piyush Garg] Fix interactive prompt with --last | 2019/09/10-07:04
null | [16yuki0702] Add canceling feature to taskrun command | 2019/09/10-08:23
null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Improve release script | 2019/09/11-10:35
null | [Sunil Thaha] Doc: Improve taskrun help example | 2019/09/12-02:09
null | [Piyush Garg] Fix -n not working with pipeline logs | 2019/09/12-02:23
null | [Piyush Garg] Show descriptive failure message | 2019/09/12-03:36
null | [danielhelfand] change error message returned by task for namespace | 2019/09/16-06:48
null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Add a Tasrun to build rpm. | 2019/09/17-01:52
null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Add information about copr rpm package repo in README | 2019/09/17-01:52
null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Use khuram spec files which does a proper source build | 2019/09/17-01:52
null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Update README with distros supported for dnf install | 2019/09/17-01:52
null | [Nikhil Thomas] Fix CI breakage | 2019/09/19-23:57
null | [Andrea Frittoli] Fix the logs command when creating a pipelinerun | 2019/09/20-01:57
null | [16yuki0702] Adding missing copyright header | 2019/09/23-04:47
null | [danielhelfand] correct copr package section typos | 2019/09/23-08:38
null | [danielhelfand] align pipeline describe output with other describe commands | 2019/09/24-04:58
null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Add no colour option | 2019/09/24-05:24
null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Disable nocolour test | 2019/09/24-05:24
null | [Chmouel Boudjnah] Generate documentation | 2019/09/24-05:24
null | [danielhelfand] align output with task describe command | 2019/09/24-05:36
null | [cappyzawa] fix misspell based on https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/tektoncd/cli#misspell | 2019/09/24-06:20
null | [danielhelfand] add check to taskrun cancel for already executed taskrun | 2019/09/24-07:56
null | [Pradeep Kumar] Common method to get last run for a pipeline | 2019/09/24-08:17
null | [Pradeep Kumar] correts imports order | 2019/09/24-08:17
null | [Andrea Frittoli] Improve the error message on pipeline create | 2019/09/24-09:40
null | [Andrea Frittoli] Fix the logs command when creating a pipelinerun | 2019/09/24-09:40
null | [danielhelfand] add check to pipelinerun cancel for already executed pipelinerun | 2019/09/25-09:11
null | [Vincent Demeester] Bump tektoncd/pipeline to 0.7.x | 2019/09/25-10:02
null | [Vincent Demeester] bump github.com/AlecAivazis/survey/v2 to v2.0.4 | 2019/09/25-10:02
null | [Khurram Baig] Add Vendored Dependencies to RPM Spec | 2019/09/26-03:03