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SQLpipe makes it easy to move the result of one query from one database to another.
A Terraform module for deploying Terraform Enterprise on GCP.
原俠正楷,整合「芫荽」及「霞鶩文楷輕便版」這二個基於「Klee One」改造的中文字型,並提供簡轉繁字型(簡體改以繁體顯示)及偽直排字型(各單字旋轉90度形成直書排版)。
A scalable Netflix DBLog implementation for PostgreSQL
Let your Claude able to think
The Traditional Chinese Edition of LXGW WenKai.
⚡️ Znap! Fast, easy-to-use tools for Zsh dotfiles & plugins, plus git repos
Surge模块 脚本 module sgmodule 面板 规则 分流 破解 解锁
A terraform module to set up remote state management with S3 backend for your account.
👻 Ghostty is a fast, feature-rich, and cross-platform terminal emulator that uses platform-native UI and GPU acceleration.
Experimental Telegram Desktop fork.
AyuGram / AyuGramDesktop
Forked from telegramdesktop/tdesktopDesktop Telegram client with good customization and Ghost mode.
forkgram / tdesktop
Forked from telegramdesktop/tdesktopFork of Telegram Desktop messaging app.
Get the battery usage of all your devices on your Mac and put them on the Dock / Menu Bar / Widget! && 在Mac上获取你所有设备的电量信息并显示在Dock / 状态栏 / 小组件上!
Get Inspired by the World's Greatest Artworks Every Time You Open a New Tab. Extension Available for Chrome, Edge, and Firefox.
PDF scientific paper translation with preserved formats - 基于 AI 完整保留排版的 PDF 文档全文双语翻译,支持 Google/DeepL/Ollama/OpenAI 等服务,提供 CLI/GUI/Docker/Zotero
系统设计面试:内幕指南(System Design Interview: An Insider’s Guide)