The API.AI Android SDK makes it easy to integrate speech recognition with API.AI natural language processing API on Android devices. API.AI allows using voice commands and integration with dialog scenarios defined for a particular agent in API.AI.
Two permissions are required to use the API.AI Android SDK:
- android.permission.INTERNET for internet access
- android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO for microphone access
Currently, speech recognition is performed using Google's Android SDK, either on the client device or in the cloud. Recognized text is passed to the API.AI through HTTP requests. In the future, your client app will be able to use the SDK to send an audio file or stream to the API.AI server so that it can be processed there.
Authentication is accomplished through setting the client access token when initializing an AIConfiguration object. The client access token specifies which agent will be used for natural language processing.
Note: The API.AI Android SDK only makes query requests, and cannot be used to manage entities and intents. Instead, use the API.AI user interface or REST API to create, retreive, update, and delete entities and intents.
The API.AI Android SDK comes with a simple sample that illustrates how voice commands can be integrated with API.AI. Use the following steps to run the sample code:
Have an API.AI agent created that has entities and intents. See the API.AI documentation on how to do this.
Open Android Studio.
Import the api-ai-android-master directory.
Open the SDK Manager and be sure that you have installed Android Build Tools 1.9.
In the Project browser, open apiAISampleApp/src/main/java/ai.api.sample/MainActivity.
Towards the top of the file, you will see a declarations of two strings: ACCESS_TOKEN and SUBSCRIPTION_KEY. Set this values to be the client access token of your agent.
private static final String ACCESS_TOKEN = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN_HERE"; private static final String SUBSCRIPTION_KEY = "INSERT_SUBSCRIPTION_KEY_HERE";
Attach an Android device, or have the emulator set up with an emulated device.
From the Run menu, choose Debug (or click the Debug symbol).
You should see an app running with three buttons: Listen, StopListen, and Cancel.
Click Listen and say a phrase that will be understood by your agent. Wait a few seconds. The Java will appear that is returned by the API.AI service.
There are two options to get API.AI SDK library:
- Add dependency to your build.gradle file.
- Download library source code from here, and attach it to your project.
The first way is the simplest. Simply add this line:
compile 'ai.api:sdk:1.0.0'
to your application dependencies block. (Take a look to the apiAISampleApp/build.gradle for example).
Then follow these steps for creating your own app that uses the API.AI Android SDK:
Add two permissions into the AndroidManifest:
- android.permission.INTERNET
- android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO
Create a class that implements the AIListener interface. This class will process responses from API.AI.
Create an instance of AIConfiguration, specifying the access token, locale, and recognition engine.
Use the AIConfiguration object to get a reference to the AIService, which will make the query requests.
Set the AIListener instance for the AIService instance.
Launch listening from the microphone via the startListening method. The SDK will start listening for the microphone input of the mobile device.
To stop listening and start the request to the API.AI service using the current recognition results, call the stopListening method of the AIService class.
To cancel the listening process without sending a request to the API.AI service, call the cancel method of the AIService class.
In the onResult method of the AIListener interface, check the response for errors using the AIResponse.isError method.
If there are no errors, you can get the result using the AIResponse.getResult method. From there, you can obtain the action and parameters.
The example of this integration you can see in the example app in apiAISampleApp/src/main/java/ai.api.sample/ file.
If you have your own recognition (or already implement custom logic), you can use API.AI Android SDK for receiving results from text input. Follow these steps for this:
Add this permission into the AndroidManifest:
- android.permission.INTERNET
Create an instance of AIConfiguration, specifying the access token, locale, and recognition engine (you can specify any recognition engine, in this case it does not matters).
Create the AIDataService object using configuration object.
Create the empty AIRequest instance. Set request text using method setQuery.
Send request to the API.AI service using method aiDataService.request(aiRequest).
Process response.
Example code:
final AIConfiguration config = new AIConfiguration(ACCESS_TOKEN, SUBSCRIPTION_KEY, Locale.US.toString(), AIConfiguration.RecognitionEngine.Google);
final AIDataService aiDataService = new AIDataService(config);
final AIRequest aiRequest = new AIRequest();
try {
final AIResponse aiResponse = aiDataService.request(aiRequest);
// process response object here...
} catch (final AIServiceException e) {