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Tags: zfcampus/zf-content-negotiation
zf-content-negotiation 1.4.0 Added ----- - [#103](#103) adds support for PHP 7.2. Changed ------- - Nothing. Deprecated ---------- - Nothing. Removed ------- - [#103](#103) removes support for HHVM. Fixed ----- - [#101](#101) fixes how `ContentNegotiationsOptions` handles dash-separated keys, ensuring they are always translated to underscore_separated; this fixes issues whereby such keys were ignored during execution.
zf-content-negotiation 1.3.3 Added ----- - Nothing. Changed ------- - Nothing. Deprecated ---------- - Nothing. Removed ------- - Nothing. Fixed ----- - [#100](#100) fixes an issue introduced in 1.3.2 whereby the `RequestFactory` was updated to no longer depend on zend-console. Unfortunately, many testing strategies relied on zend-console's ability to override the SAPI detection in order to test HTTP request lifecycles. This release now does detection for the presence of the zend-console library, and, if present, uses that for determining whether or not the request is console-based.
zf-content-negotiation 1.3.1 Added ----- - Nothing. Changed ------- - [#86](#86) makes zend-console a suggested dependency. - [#88](#88) updates how the `ContentTypeListener` decides how to parse incoming content when no `Content-Type` header is present. If the content begins with a `{` or `[` character, it will now parse it as JSON instead of as form data. Deprecated ---------- - Nothing. Removed ------- - Nothing. Fixed ----- - [#88](#88) adds a missing import statement to the `RenameUploadFilterFactory` class definition.
zf-content-negotiation 1.3.0 Added ----- - [#81](#81) adds a new listener, `HttpMethodListener`. The listener is enabled by toggling the `zf-content-negotiation.x_http_method_override_enabled` flag, and providing a map of request method/list of override request methods in the `zf-content-negotiation.http_override_methods` configuration: ```php 'zf-content-negotiation' => [ 'x_http_method_override_enabled' => true, 'http_override_methods' => [ 'GET' => [ 'HEAD', 'PATCH', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE', ], ], ], ``` Deprecated ---------- - Nothing. Removed ------- - Nothing. Fixed ----- - Nothing.
zf-content-negotiation 1.2.2 Added ----- - Nothing. Deprecated ---------- - Nothing. Removed ------- - Nothing. Fixed ----- - [#75](#75) updates the `JsonModel` to test discovered `ZF\Hal\Entity` instances for a `getEntity()` method; if found, that method will be used to pull the entity data, but if not, property overloading to its `$entity` property will be used instead. This change ensures the component works with versions of zf-hal prior to 1.4.
zf-content-negotiation 1.2.1 Added ----- - Nothing. Deprecated ---------- - Nothing. Removed ------- - Nothing. Fixed ----- - Updates the `RequestFactory` to remove the `implements FactoryInterface` declaration (as it does not, and this was unable to resolve to a valid interface).
zf-content-negotiation 1.2.0 Added ----- - [#71](#71) and [#73](#73) provide support for v3 releases of the various Zend Framework components on which it depends, including zend-eventmanager, zend-json, zend-mvc, zend-servicemanager, and zend-stdlib; all code continues to work with v2 releases as well. - [#70](#70) adds support for PHP 7. Deprecated ---------- - Nothing. Removed ------- - [#70](#70) removes support for PHP 5.5. Fixed ----- - [#72](#72) fixes a situation with the `RenameUpload` filter and `UploadFile` validator overrides whereby they triggered cyclic alias detection in zend-servicemanager.
zf-content-negotiation 1.1.2 Added ----- - [#50](#50) adds support for parsing `application/hal+json` bodies; `_embedded` properties are now merged with the top-level object following parsing. - [#66](#66) adds suport in the `ContentTypeFilterListener` to allow for request bodies to be objects that are castable to strings, such as occurs when using zend-psr7bridge to convert from PSR-7 to zend-http request instances (the message body is then a `StreamInterface` implementation, which may be cast to a string). Deprecated ---------- - Nothing. Removed ------- - Nothing. Fixed ----- - [#68](#68) fixes parsing of urlencoded data within PUT requests. - [#52](#52) updates the `ContentTypeListener` to raise an error for non-object/non-array JSON payloads. - [#58](#58) updates the `AcceptFilterListener` to validate payloads without an `Accept` header. - [#63](#63) fixes the `ContentTypeListener` behavior when the request body does not contain a MIME boundary; the method now catches the exception and returns a 400 response.