Xiaomi Home Integration for Home Assistant
This is a Next.js, Tailwind CSS blogging starter template. Comes out of the box configured with the latest technologies to make technical writing a breeze. Easily configurable and customizable. Per…
Open source free capture HTTP(S) traffic software ProxyPin, supporting full platform systems
A neural network that transforms a design mock-up into a static website.
Stable Diffusion web UI
A client implementation for ChatGPT and Bing AI. Available as a Node.js module, REST API server, and CLI app.
HTTP, HTTP2, HTTPS, Websocket debugging proxy
UI-Lovelace-Minimalist is a "theme" for HomeAssistant
RePlugin - A flexible, stable, easy-to-use Android Plug-in Framework
A Google Drive Index built with Vue Running on CloudFlare Workers
🏞️ PicX 是一款基于 GitHub API 开发的图床工具,提供图片上传托管、生成图片链接和常用图片工具箱服务。
Web player for terminal session recordings
🍭 Wow, such a beautiful HTML5 music player
An index & manager of Onedrive based on serverless. Can be deployed to Heroku/Glitch/Vercel/Replit/SCF/FG/FC/CFC/PHP web hosting/VPS.
a minimal, distraction-free chat application
Flutter 或 Vue 全家桶(Vue + VueRouter + Vuex + Axios)抓取 GitHub 上的 Issues,结合 GitHub Pages 搭建个人博客站点,支持 GitHub 登录和评论
AndroidHttpCapture网络诊断工具 是一款Android手机抓包软件 主要功能包括:手机端抓包、PING/DNS/TraceRoute诊断、抓包HAR数据上传分享。你也可以看成是Android版的"Fiddler" \(^o^)/~