Powerful quick-cocos2d-x develop plugin for sublime text 2/3
A quick-cocos2d-x develop plugin for sublime text 2/3.
- quick-cocos2d-x api completions support(framework and cocos2dx tolua)
- goto definition
- run with player
- user definition auto completion
- system api completions support (lua 5.1)
- some snippets,like if-else,if-elseif-else,while,comment,repeat-until....
- create new lua file with template
- lua biuld system
1.Install via Package Control
2.Download .zip source file, then unzip it,rename it with "QuickXDev",then clone "QuickXDev" folder into the SublimeText Packages
directory. A restart of SublimeText might be nessecary to complete the install.
"quick_cocos2dx_root": "<path>/quick-cocos2d-x",
"author": "<your name>"
you must set "quick_cocos2dx_root"
select a word then right click ->Goto Definition or press key ctrl+shift+g
- support framework (i.e. CCNodeExtend, display.newScene, newScene, display.CENTER)
- support cocos2dx (i.e. CCMoveBy, getWritablePath, CCMoveTo:create, create, kCCHTTPRequestMethodGET)
- support user definition
right click "scripts" folder on the sidebar,select "Run With Player",the player will run with current project.
right click "scripts" folder on the sidebar,select "Rebuild User Definition". and when you save a lua file in sublime,it will auto build all user definition in the current file.