Capture Screen, Audio, Cursor, Mouse Clicks and Keystrokes
云盘系统,包含文件操作以及文本、图像、markdown、xmind、code的编辑,zip的前端预览解压,office的预览编辑。with vue-cli 3
Docker:Filerun+AriaNg+Aria2,Personal cloud disk 搭建个人的可离线云盘
本云网盘为您提供优质的文件网络存储和分享服务。具有空间大、速度快、安全稳固,同时永不限速等优点。:tada: :tada: :tada: Please star ^_^(前端请提issues)
iOS port of Google's CardboardSDK (mobile VR toolkit)
Spectate League of Legends game via a VR headset
zhangjingpu / VRDroid
Forked from babysource/VRDroidVR Player for android
zhangjingpu / IdeaSpace
Forked from IdeaSpaceVR/IdeaSpaceContent management system for the virtual reality web
jquery.levideo.js 是一个360度全景播放器,可以使用浏览器播放任意全景视频。也可以直接使用图片进行全景显示,暂时支持android Chrome浏览器、IOS 微信和PC端Chrome 、firefox浏览器
Unity3d video player plugin for iOS and Android design for Advertisment
zhangjingpu / sphinx
Forked from sphinxsearch/sphinxSphinx search server
Command-line program to download videos from and other video sites
收集整理Android开发所需的Android SDK、开发中用到的工具、Android开发教程、Android设计规范,免费的设计素材等。
zhangjingpu / pholcus
Forked from andeya/pholcus[爬虫框架 (golang)] Pholcus(幽灵蛛)是一款纯Go语言编写的高并发、分布式、重量级爬虫软件,支持单机、服务端、客户端三种运行模式,拥有Web、GUI、命令行三种操作界面;规则简单灵活、批量任务并发、输出方式丰富(mysql/mongodb/csv/excel等)、有大量Demo共享;同时她还支持横纵向两种抓取模式,支持模拟登录和任务暂停、取消等一系列高级功能。
A 3D sample game powered by Cocos2d-x v3.8
zhangjingpu / lsyncd
Forked from lsyncd/lsyncdLsyncd (Live Syncing Daemon) synchronizes local directories with remote targets
zhangjingpu / browser-sync
Forked from BrowserSync/browser-syncKeep multiple browsers & devices in sync when building websites.
zhangjingpu / mushroom
Forked from wuweiit/mushroomMRCMS 是一款基于Java的动态内容管理系统
zhangjingpu / weui
Forked from Tencent/weuiAn UI library by wechat official design team, includes the most useful widgets/modules in mobile web applications.
zhangjingpu / BIN
Forked from BuildItNow/BINBIN是一个简单、轻量、易用、跨平台的Web APP框架,BIN提供了对于APP开发的主体框架,通用的UI开发组件,使能快速的开发移动APP,并表现出和NativeAPP一样的操作体验