A curated list of awesome Robot Operating System Version 2.0 (ROS 2) resources and libraries
- Examples
- examples/rclcpp - C++ examples.
- examples/rclpy - Python examples.
- rcljava_examples - Package containing examples of how to use the rcljava API.
- ros2_talker_android, ros2_listener_android - Example Android apps for the ROS2 Java bindings.
- "System" bindings
- rclandroid - Android API for ROS2.
- rclnodejs - Node.js version of ROS2.0 client.
- riot-ros2 - This project enables ROS2 to run on microcontrollers using the RIOT Operating System.
- Client libraries
- IDL generators
- rosidl_generator_java - Generate the ROS interfaces in Java.
- rosidl_generator_objc - Generate the ROS interfaces in Objective C.
- rosidl_generator_cpp - Generate the ROS interfaces in C++.
- rosidl_generator_py - Generate the ROS interfaces in Python.
- rosidl_generator_c - Generate the ROS interfaces in C.
- RMW (ROS middleware interface)
- rmw - Contains the ROS middleware API.
- rmw_connext_cpp - Implement the ROS middleware interface using RTI Connext static code generation in C++.
- rmw_fastrtps_cpp - Implement the ROS middleware interface using eProsima FastRTPS static code generation in C++.
- rmw_opensplice_cpp - Implement the ROS middleware interface using PrismTech OpenSplice static code generation in C++.
- build system (Linux)
- meta-ros2 - ROS 2 Layer for OpenEmbedded Linux
- build system (ROS2)
- ament_cmake_export_jars - The ability to export Java archives to downstream packages in the ament buildsystem in CMake.
- rmw_implementation_cmake - CMake functions which can discover and enumerate available implementations.
- ROS 2 Design - Articles which inform and guide the ROS 2.0 design efforts.
- ROS 2 Docs (Overview) - Details about ROS 2 internal design and organisation.
- ROS 2 Wiki - Entry point to find all kind of information about ROS 2.
No books published yet
No courses existing yet
- ROSCon 2017
- ROSCon 2016
- ROSCon 2015