Apisix Homebrew Tap
Firstly add tap, just run brew tap zhangw/apisix
Install apisix-base (Openresty), just run brew install apisix-base
Use option --keep-tmp for keeping the original source codes (such as Nginx modules bundle) reserved during building, brew install --keep-tmp apisix-base
Install apisix (apisix-base and apisix itself), just run brew install apisix
Use option -d -v for the debugging installtaion, brew install -d -v apisix | tee apisix_install_dignostic.log
Before installation, set the proxy could help fetching github related resources, such as pkgs, source codes.
export https_proxy= http_proxy= all_proxy=socks5://
- brew bottole pkgs
- third party resty pkgs installed into apisix
- more versions of apisix, 2.15.1/3.0