#Color Thief
A script for grabbing the color palette from an image. Uses Javascript and the canvas tag to make it happen. 获取一张图片的整图平均颜色.使用了Canvas标签来实现这个功能。 See a Demo | Read more on my blog
##How to use
###Get the dominant color from an image
获取一个区域的dominant color(区块平均颜色).
var colorThief = new ColorThief();
getColor(sourceImage[, quality])
returns {r: num, g: num, b: num}
###Build a color palette from an image 获取一个图片中的颜色,根据其中的主次来生成一个调色版。 In this example, we build an 8 color palette. 在下面这个例子中,我们从图片对象中获取8个主要的颜色,生成调色器。
var colorThief = new ColorThief();
colorThief.getPalette(sourceImage, 8);
getPalette(sourceImage[, colorCount, quality])
returns [ [num, num, num], [num, num, num], ... ]
This is a fork from lokesh/color-thief, which devote to adding more interfaces .
V1.0.1 添加中文文档