This is the code repository for article "Continuous Improvement of Self-Driving Cars using Dynamic Confidence-Aware Reinforcement Learning"
The files are structured as follows, where the note in the brackets briefly explains the content:
+-- Simulation_testing [Codes and Data in the article for Experiment 1 and 2]
| +-- Simulation1
| | +-- [Run the results in Simulation1]
| +-- Simulation2
| | +-- [Run the results in Simulation2]
| +-- Simulation_Data_Collection
| | +-- Data_Sampling
| | | +-- [Collect More Simulated Data in a Distribution]
| | +-- Data_From_Carla
| | | +-- [Collect More Simulated Data from CARLA]
+-- Field_Testing [Codes and Data in the article for Experiment 3]
| +-- Software_and_Raw_Data_on_Self-Driving_Vehicle
| | +-- software [Codes on self-driving vehicles. It's a copy of CLAP framework which refer to]
| | +-- [DEMO codes]
| | +-- demo.rviz [Visual interface for the codes]
| +-- Simulation1
| | +-- DrawData.m [Run for the results of scenario 1 in field testing]
| +-- Simulation2
| | +-- DrawData.m [Run for the results of scenario 2 in field testing]
| +-- Simulation3
| | +-- DrawData.m [Run for the results of scenario 3 in field testing]
This DEMO shows the results of simulation 1 and 2. The function is to estimate the confidence value of different policies and decide the final trajectory.
The package is written in Python 3. The usage of the Anaconda Python distribution is recommended.
After you have installed Python 3.6.8 or above, open a terminal in the Supplementary Data File and execute the following command to install the software (including the dependencies):
pip install -r ./requirements.txt
Run the results for simulation 1:
python .\Simulation_testing\Simulation_1\
Run the results for simulation 2:
python .\Simulation_testing\Simulation_2\
You can use more data for evaluation. We provide two ways for data collection
Sampling the data from the true value of the state-action pair by running:
python .\Simulation_testing\Simulation_Data_Collection\Data_Sampling\
Sampling the data from the CARLA simulation requires several steps:
Download CARLA>=0.9.13
Run CARLA in the downloaded CARLA Folder
Then, open another terminal and run
python .\Simulation_testing\Simulation_Data_Collection\Data_From_Carla\
A single data point should be formulated into {state, action, cumulative rewards} Then, setting the original policy's action as the action 0.
After that, when given a state, the DCARL agent can generate an action according to the collected data.
We provide the source codes on the autonomous vehicle and the data for three scenarios.
- This demo requires ubuntu 18.04 and x86 platform.
- docker>=20.10.16
- ROS melodic
- rviz
Official tutotial can be found here:
Setup your sources.list
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb $(lsb_release -sc) main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ros-latest.list'
Set up your keys
curl -s | sudo apt-key add -
update apt source
sudo apt update
install ros-melodic-desktop-full
sudo apt install ros-melodic-desktop-full
activate ros environment
source /opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash
rviz is default installed.
This install takes about 20 minutes.
- Docker is default on ubuntu. If docker is not available, following this official tutorial to install docker on Linux:
- This install takes about 10 minutes.
The running environment is provided by docker image. Download the image from open docker hub.
docker pull thuvehicle/dcarl_docker:v1
Download the field testing rosbag data from
Unzip the file and copy the rosbags to desired location.
unzip cd data cp -r rosbag/ PATH_TO_PROJECT/supplementary_data_file/Field_testing/Software_and_Raw_Data_on_Self-Driving_Vehicle/software
Run the docker image, and the source code is automatically mapped
cd PATH_TO_PROJECT/supplementary_data_file/Field_testing/Software_and_Raw_Data_on_Self-Driving_Vehicle bash
Now the terminal is inside the docker, enter the source location
cd /zzz
Now, the running requirements is satisfied. We will use tmux to avoid opening multiple terminal.
in the terminal, and enter the tmux environmentType
, and pressc
to open a new terminal in tmux, we need 4 termials in total. We can see the number of opened terminal at bottom. Thectrl+b
is a triggering operation in tmux. Before starting any operation of tmux,ctrl+b
is required, -
, and press number to swtich between different terminals. -
In first tmux terminal, type
to start ros. -
In second tmux terminal, we need to start the RL agent server by
cd src/tools/DCARL/ python3
In third tmux terminal, start the planner by
In forth tmux terminal, play the rosbag. Not the number after script, it indicates the number of case selected. 1, 2, and 3 is available. 1
At last, open a new terminal outside of docker to run RVIZ. We don't run rviz in docker because it may cause subtle bugs on different machine.
rviz -d demo.rviz
Need to notify that it's required to restart the code in step 8 and step 9 if you want to switch between different bags by running 1(2 or 3)
The operation before running takes about 10 minutes. To see all the demo cases requires 5 minutes.
The planning outputs trajectories online observing data record from rosbag. We can observed safe and reliable trajectories in RVIZ under different scenarios.
To redraw the Fig. 5 in the main text, we provide the source data of these cases and the codes for figures.
These codes are written in Matlab>=R2020b.
Run the following code in Matlab for case 1:
Run the following code in Matlab for case 2:
Run the following code in Matlab for case 3: