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Repository files navigation


A Neovim plugin for writing and navigating an Obsidian vault, written in Lua.

Built for people who love the concept of Obsidian -- a simple, markdown-based notes app -- but love Neovim too much to stand typing characters into anything else.

This plugin is not meant to replace Obsidian, but to complement it. My personal workflow involves writing Obsidian notes in Neovim using this plugin, while viewing and reading them using the Obsidian app. That said, this plugin stands on its own as well. You don't necessarily need to use it alongside the Obsidian app.



  • :ObsidianBacklinks for getting a location list of references to the current buffer.
  • :ObsidianToday to create a new daily note.
  • :ObsidianYesterday to open (eventually creating) the daily note for the previous working day.
  • :ObsidianOpen to open a note in the Obsidian app. This command has one optional argument: the ID, path, or alias of the note to open. If not given, the note corresponding to the current buffer is opened.
  • :ObsidianNew to create a new note. This command has one optional argument: the title of the new note.
  • :ObsidianSearch to search for notes in your vault using ripgrep with fzf.vim, fzf-lua or telescope.nvim. This command has one optional argument: a search query to start with.
  • :ObsidianQuickSwitch to quickly switch to another notes in your vault, searching by its name using fzf.vim, fzf-lua or telescope.nvim.
  • :ObsidianLink to link an in-line visual selection of text to a note. This command has one optional argument: the ID, path, or alias of the note to link to. If not given, the selected text will be used to find the note with a matching ID, path, or alias.
  • :ObsidianLinkNew to create a new note and link it to an in-line visual selection of text. This command has one optional argument: the title of the new note. If not given, the selected text will be used as the title.
  • :ObsidianFollowLink to follow a note reference under the cursor.
  • :ObsidianTemplate to insert a template from the templates folder, selecting from a list using telescope.nvim or one of the fzf alternatives.





  • NeoVim >= 0.8.0 (this plugin uses vim.fs which was only added in 0.8).
  • If you want completion and search features (recommended) you'll also need ripgrep to be installed and on your $PATH. See ripgrep#installation for install options.

Search functionality via the :ObsidianSearch and :ObsidianQuickSwitch command also requires either fzf.vim or telescope.nvim.


Using vim-plug, for example:

" (required)
Plug 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim'

" (optional) for completion:
Plug 'hrsh7th/nvim-cmp'

" (optional) for :ObsidianSearch and :ObsidianQuickSwitch commands unless you use telescope:
Plug 'junegunn/fzf', { 'do': { -> fzf#install() } }
Plug 'junegunn/fzf.vim'

" (optional) another alternative for the :ObsidianSearch and :ObsidianQuickSwitch commands:
Plug 'ibhagwan/fzf-lua'

" (optional) for :ObsidianSearch and :ObsidianQuickSwitch commands if you prefer this over fzf.vim:
Plug 'nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim'

" (optional) recommended for syntax highlighting, folding, etc if you're not using nvim-treesitter:
Plug 'preservim/vim-markdown'
Plug 'godlygeek/tabular'  " needed by 'preservim/vim-markdown'

" (required)
Plug 'epwalsh/obsidian.nvim'

To avoid unexpected breaking changes, you can also pin Obsidian.nvim to a specific release like this:

Plug 'epwalsh/obsidian.nvim', { 'tag': 'v1.*' }

Always check the CHANGELOG when upgrading.

Minimal configuration

For a minimal configuration, just add:

  dir = "~/my-vault",
  completion = {
    nvim_cmp = true, -- if using nvim-cmp, otherwise set to false

❗ Note: you do not need to specify this plugin as an nvim-cmp "source". Obsidian.nvim will set itself up as a source automatically when you enter a markdown buffer within your vault directory.

  sources = {
    { name = "obsidian" }, -- WRONG! Don't put this here. Obsidian configures itself for nvim-cmp

Advanced configuration

❗ Note: you should only call obsidian.setup(...) once in your config. Calling it a second time will overwrite the settings from the first call, so if you choose to use multiple of the examples below, make sure to merge the arguments in each setup() call into one.

Customizing note paths and IDs

If you want to customize how the file names / unique IDs for new notes are created, set the configuration option note_id_func to your own function that takes an optional string (the title of the note) as input and returns a string representing a unique ID or file name / path (relative to your vault directory).

For example:

  dir = "~/my-vault",
  note_id_func = function(title)
    -- Create note IDs in a Zettelkasten format with a timestamp and a suffix.
    local suffix = ""
    if title ~= nil then
      -- If title is given, transform it into valid file name.
      suffix = title:gsub(" ", "-"):gsub("[^A-Za-z0-9-]", ""):lower()
      -- If title is nil, just add 4 random uppercase letters to the suffix.
      for _ = 1, 4 do
        suffix = suffix .. string.char(math.random(65, 90))
    return tostring(os.time()) .. "-" .. suffix

In this case a note with the title "My new note" will given an ID that looks something like 1657296016-my-new-note, and therefore the file name If you always want to put new notes in a particular subdirectory of your vault, use the option notes_subdir:

  dir = "~/my-vault",
  notes_subdir = "notes",

The notes_subdir and note_id_func options are not mutually exclusive. You can use them both. For example, using a combination of both of the above settings, a new note called "My new note" will assigned a path like notes/

Customizing daily notes path

If you want to customize where the daily notes are being stored, just set the daily_notes.folder option:

  dir = "~/my-vault",
  daily_notes = {
    folder = "dailies",

This option isn't mutually exclusive with the notes_subdir function; the daily_notes.folder path won't be appended to notes_subdir, so both paths will need to be relative to dir.

E.g., if you have your vault at ~/my-vault, and want to save your notes under ~/my-vault/notes, and your dailies under ~/my-vault/notes/dailies, this is the right config:

  dir = "~/my-vault",
  notes_subdir = "notes",
  daily_notes = {
    folder = "notes/dailies",

Templates support

To insert a template, run the command :ObsidianTemplate. This will open telescope.nvim or one of the fzf alternatives and allow you to select a template from the templates folder. Select a template and hit <CR> to insert. Substitution of {{date}}, {{time}}, and {{title}} is supported.

For example, with the following configuration

  dir = "~/my-vault",
  templates = {
      subdir = "my-templates-folder",
      date_format = "%Y-%m-%d-%a",
      time_format = "%H:%M"

and the file ~/my-vault/my-templates-folder/note

# {{title}}
Date created: {{date}}

creating the note Configuring and executing :ObsidianTemplate will insert

# Configuring Neovim

Date created: 2023-03-01-Wed

above the cursor position.

Using nvim-treesitter

If you're using nvim-treesitter and not vim-markdown, you'll probably want to enable additional_vim_regex_highlighting for markdown to benefit from Obsidian.nvim's extra syntax improvements:

  ensure_installed = { "markdown", "markdown_inline", ... },
  highlight = {
    enable = true,
    additional_vim_regex_highlighting = { "markdown" },

Customizing the automatically generated YAML frontmatter

By default the auto-generated YAML frontmatter will just contain id, aliases, and tags, as well as any other fields you add manually. If you want to customize this behavior, set the configuration option note_frontmatter_func to a function that takes an obsidian.Note object and returns a table. Or if you want to disable this feature, just set disable_frontmatter = true.

For example, you can emulate the default functionality like this:

  dir = "~/my-vault",
  note_frontmatter_func = function(note)
    local out = { id =, aliases = note.aliases, tags = note.tags }
    -- `note.metadata` contains any manually added fields in the frontmatter.
    -- So here we just make sure those fields are kept in the frontmatter.
    if note.metadata ~= nil and require("obsidian").util.table_length(note.metadata) > 0 then
      for k, v in pairs(note.metadata) do
        out[k] = v
    return out

Mapping :ObsidianFollowLink to gf with passthrough

If you have notes in subdirectories of your vault, Neovim's default gf mapping might not be able to find the note corresponding to the reference under your cursor. If that's the case you can map gf to the :ObsidianFollowLink command like this:

    if require('obsidian').util.cursor_on_markdown_link() then
      return "<cmd>ObsidianFollowLink<CR>"
      return "gf"
  { noremap = false, expr = true}

The other benefit of doing this is that it will now work even if your cursor is on the enclosing brackets ([[ or ]]) or the alias part of a reference (the part after |).

Navigate to the current line when using :ObsidianOpen

If you have the Obsidian Advanced URI plugin enabled, the Obsidian editor can automatically navigate to the same line in the current NeoVim buffer. For files that are already open, it will update the cursor position within Obsidian's editor. To enable this feature, add use_advanced_uri = true to the setup options. For example:

  dir = "~/my-vault",
  use_advanced_uri = true

Known Issues

Configuring vault directory behind a link

If you are having issues with commands like ObsidianOpen, ensure that your vault is configured to use an absolute path rather than a link. If you must use a link in your configuration, make sure that the name of the vault is present in the file path of the link. For example:

Vault: ~/path/to/vault/parent/obsidian/
Link: ~/obsidian OR ~/parent


Neovim plugin for Obsidian, written in Lua







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  • Lua 92.7%
  • Python 3.6%
  • Vim Script 2.8%
  • Other 0.9%