A modern vue admin panel built with Vue3, Shadcn UI, Vite, TypeScript, and Monorepo. It's fast!
Backup & export all Evernote notes and notebooks
Hysteria is a powerful, lightning fast and censorship resistant proxy.
Faster Whisper transcription with CTranslate2
an easy-to-use dynamic service discovery, configuration and service management platform for building cloud native applications.
workflow 工作流设计器,企业OA流程设计。表单流程设计界面操作超级简单!!普通用户也能分分钟上手,不需要专业知识。本设计器支持可视化拖拽表单组件,动态任意层级结构审批节点,支持复杂流程条件设置
Detect whether a custom protocol is available in browser (FF, Chrome, IE8, IE9, IE10, IE11, and Edge)
Scalable game server framework with clustering support and client libraries for iOS, Android, Unity and others through the C SDK.
A fast,scalable,distributed game server framework for Node.js, Powered by TypeScript. 一个TypeScript写的node.js分布式游戏/应用服务器框架(原型基于pomelo)。
Experience macOS just like before
Open-source Windows and Office activator featuring HWID, Ohook, TSforge, KMS38, and Online KMS activation methods, along with advanced troubleshooting.
An unidentifiable mechanism that helps you bypass GFW.
写的更少, 性能更好 -> 为开发人员打造的低代码开发平台。mybatis-plus关联查询,关联无SQL,性能高10倍,前后端代码本地可视化生成,flowable工作流,spring cloud微服务等全方位赋能!
A deterministic implementation of some of the OpenSSL functionalities
Flutter makes it easy and fast to build beautiful apps for mobile and beyond
Xiaomi Mobile Phone Kernel OpenSource
Drop-in replacement of Django admin comes with lots of goodies, fully extensible with plugin support, pretty UI based on Twitter Bootstrap.