arcface 提取码:jks7
retinaface 提取码:otx7
In mxnet symbol, BN has fix_gamma, if fix_gamma is true, then set gamma to 1 and its gradient to 0, you can find this in mxnet API.
In retinaface_mnet025_v1, fix_gamma in 'conv_3_dw_batchnorm' is true,but its value is 0.000007107922556315316(you can see weight by Netron).However, forward mxnet model, the gamma of 'conv_3_dw_batchnorm' is 1.This bug may cause mxnet output is different from onnx model.
fix bn gamma model have upload(/Retinaface/retinaface_mnet025_v1, /Retinaface/retinaface_mnet025_v2).
Retinaface fixed softmax bug.
Upsample is implemented using Resize.
Upsample is implemented using ConvTranspose.
arcface and retinaface model convert mxnet to onnx
Ubuntu 18.04
MxNet 1.5.0
onnx 1.7.0 (protobuf 3.0.0)
onnxruntime 1.3.0
Python 3.6.9
cv2 3.3.1
arcface:from ZQCNN mobilefacenet-res2-6-10-2-dim512
arcface/model-r34-amf-slim and retinaface-R50 also can convert successfully, but model file is too big to upload.
Insightface中ArcFace MxNet2ONNX踩坑