We put the code for constructing Concept Interaction Graph and run experiments in our ACL 2019 submission here.
We also put the datasets here: Chinese News Same Event dataset (CNSE) and Chinese News Same Story dataset (CNSS).
To run the code successfully, you will need (just install the most recent version)
- Pytorch
- Graph-tool
**Run experiments: ** Please go to src/models/CCIG, and run script.sh.
**Process data: ** Please go to src/models/CCIG/data/ and run feature_extractor.py.
Datasets: The CNSE dataset in the paper is in data/raw/event-story-cluster/same_event_doc_pair.txt, and the CNSS dataset is located in data/raw/event-story-cluster/same_story_doc_pair.txt.
**CIG visualization: ** we put some figures of CIG with community detection in the folder ``CIG visualization by graph-tool''.
├── README.md <- The top-level README for developers using this project.
├── data
├── src <- Source code for use in this .
├── data <- code for extract graph features
├── util <- code for some functions
├── loader.py <- code for loading graph features
├── main.py <- main code for running models
└── models <- pytorch code for our model