Discovering Interpretable GAN Controls [NeurIPS 2020]
A Collection of Variational Autoencoders (VAE) in PyTorch.
PyTorch implementations of algorithms for density estimation
Variational Autoencoder and Conditional Variational Autoencoder on MNIST in PyTorch
Add age label to VGGFace2 Dataset from IMDB pretrained model
A Lightweight Face Recognition and Facial Attribute Analysis (Age, Gender, Emotion and Race) Library for Python
PyTorch bottom-up attention with Detectron2
PyTorch code for EMNLP 2019 paper "LXMERT: Learning Cross-Modality Encoder Representations from Transformers".
🤗 Transformers: State-of-the-art Machine Learning for Pytorch, TensorFlow, and JAX.
Implementation of Gaussian Mixture Variational Autoencoder (GMVAE) for Unsupervised Clustering
Accurate 3D Face Reconstruction with Weakly-Supervised Learning: From Single Image to Image Set (CVPRW 2019)
State-of-the-art 2D and 3D Face Analysis Project
Real-time face detection and emotion/gender classification using fer2013/imdb datasets with a keras CNN model and openCV.
Deep Neural Network (DNN) which predicts face/non-face, landmarks, pose and gender simultaneously with Chainer.
Source code for the paper "On the effect of age perception biases for real age regression", accepted in FG'2019
PyTorch Face Recognizer based on 'VGGFace2: A dataset for recognising faces across pose and age'
The code for aishell-3 baseline acoustic model
VGGVox models for Speaker Identification and Verification trained on the VoxCeleb (1 & 2) datasets
A light weight neural speaker embeddings extraction based on Kaldi and PyTorch.
the Tensorflow version of multi-speaker TTS training with feedback constraint
JohnsonTsing / Tacotron-2
Forked from Rayhane-mamah/Tacotron-2DeepMind's Tacotron-2 Tensorflow implementation
PyTorch implementation of "Generalized End-to-End Loss for Speaker Verification" by Wan, Li et al.