OBS Fast FTP Client is a special FTP client for OBS FTP, which has uploading, downloading and other actions for remote HuaWei cloud server. The OBS Server is included in our codes.
OBS Server : OBS Server
Linux/Mac: Open terminal
$ bash upload.sh
- ip_address: (default)
- port: 10020 (default)
- access_key_id: get from HUAWEI cloud platform
- access_key_secret: get from HUAWEI cloud platform
- bucket_name: your bucket name
- remote_folder: default '' means the name is your upload folder name
- action: start/resume/update. The first time uploading the files, you can use "start" action, if you add some files or the net work is down, then you can use "resume" action to upload the rest files. But if you have changed some files, you can use "update" action to update the files on cloud servers, the uploader can use MD5 checker to find the changed file and only upload the changed files and the added files to the cloud servers.
Like the git ignore regulation, the ".ftpignore" is an template file to show how to write an ignore file. The ignore file is supposed to be biult beneath the folder you want to upload, unless you just want to upload a file.