The simulation helps users build DC (direct current) circuits using batteries, resistors, light bulbs, and other components to see how current flows.
MedicalGPT: Training Your Own Medical GPT Model with ChatGPT Training Pipeline. 训练医疗大模型,实现了包括增量预训练(PT)、有监督微调(SFT)、RLHF、DPO、ORPO。
FoDicom/FAnsiSql powered library for converting dicom types into database/C# types at speed.
Kuboard 是基于 Kubernetes 的微服务管理界面。同时提供 Kubernetes 免费中文教程,入门教程,最新版本的 Kubernetes v1.23.4 安装手册,(k8s install) 在线答疑,持续更新。
Easy and fluent Go cron scheduling. This is a fork from
Tars is a high-performance RPC framework based on name service and Tars protocol, also integrated administration platform, and implemented hosting-service via flexible schedule.
A cloud-native Go microservices framework with cli tool for productivity.