Starred repositories
📱 Graphical Scrcpy to display and control Android, devices powered by Electron.
Uninstall Microsoft Edge silently, through an executable or batch script.
Jacksgong / okdownload
Forked from lingochamp/okdownloadA Reliable, Flexible, Fast and Powerful download engine.
SmileyRating is a simple rating bar for android. It displays animated smileys as rating icon.
Animation effects to text, not really textview
A fast ImageView that supports rounded corners, ovals, and circles.
Inspect and intercept full HTTP requests sent from Android WebViews
🔥XPopup2.0版本重磅来袭,2倍以上性能提升,带来可观的动画性能优化和交互细节的提升!!!功能强大,交互优雅,动画丝滑的通用弹窗!可以替代Dialog,PopupWindow,PopupMenu,BottomSheet,DrawerLayout,Spinner等组件,自带十几种效果良好的动画, 支持完全的UI和动画自定义!(Powerful and Beautiful Popup fo…
A framework for directly generating shape through Tags, no need to write shape.xml again(通过标签直接生成shape,无需再写shape.xml)
Foto-Editor is new photo-editor build in Kotlin ,Java ,C99 . It is base on MVVM architecture .
A Photo Editor library with simple, easy support for image editing using paints,text,filters,emoji and Sticker like stories.
Real-time Filter Camera&VideoRecorder And ImageEditor With Face Beauty For Android---包含美颜等40余种实时滤镜相机,可拍照、录像、图片修改
Android Video Player. 安卓视频播放器,封装MediaPlayer、ExoPlayer、IjkPlayer。模仿抖音并实现预加载,列表播放,悬浮播放,广告播放,弹幕,视频水印,视频滤镜
直播源相关资源汇总 📺 💯 IPTV、M3U —— 勤洗手、戴口罩,祝愿所有人百毒不侵
Windows system utilities to maximize productivity
Android ScrollTextView. You can use it in advisement player,TV news show or airport metro information public system App. 🇨🇳Android 滚动字幕跑马灯,可是使用在广告机设备,电视广告位或其他在机场,地铁使用的信息发布系统App使用
A library which configures a divider for a RecyclerView.
微信、bilibili大图、长图、gif、视频、自定义view的转场效果,The transition effect of wechat, bilibili large image, long image, GIF, video and custom view
🚀 An awesome banner view for Android,Based on ViewPager2. 这可能是全网最好用的ViewPager轮播图。简单、高效,一行代码实现循环轮播,一屏三页任意变,指示器样式任你挑。
可定制化阴影的万能阴影布局ShadowLayout 3.0 震撼上线。效果赶超CardView。阴影支持x,y轴偏移,支持阴影扩散程度,支持阴影圆角,支持单边或多边不显示阴影;控件支持动态设置shape和selector(项目里再也不用画shape了);支持随意更改颜色值,支持随意更改颜色值,支持随意更改颜色值。重要的事情说三遍
Android-skin-support is an easy dynamic skin framework to use for Android, Only one line of code to integrate it. Android 换肤框架, 极低的学习成本, 极好的用户体验. "一行"代码就可以实现换肤, 你值得拥有!!!
一款android自动生成表格框架---An Android automatically generated table framework