Simulation of plane flying using OpenGL This is an OpenGL project built to simulate a plane flying in 3D scenes (basic and sea scene to switch). You can enable textured mapping to make it look more realistic.
Simply download the file and unzipp it to run the executable program.
- Up Arrow: move up;
- Down Arrow: move down;
- Mouse Right: move right;
- Mouse Left: move left;
- Page Up: Increase plane / camera speed;
- Page Down : Decrease plane / camera speed;
- Toggle 'F': enable full screen.
- Toggle 'W': enable wire frame.
- Toggle 'S': enable sea & sky.
- Toggle 'M': enable mountain.
- Toggle 'T': enable mountain texture.
- Toggle 'F': enable fog on sea.
- Toggle 'O': enable snow.
- Toggle 'D': enable wind on snow.
- Toggle 'L': enable lightning.
- Toggle 'R': enable rainbow.
- Toggle 'G': enable bombing.
- Toggle 'Q': exit the program.