Award-winning software for efficient LiDAR processing (with LASzip)
Tools for processing LiDAR data files. The data files are in ASPRS LAS format (version 1.0-1.4) or lossless compressed, (but otherwise, identical twin), LAZ format. The table below provides information about the tools and converters provided.
LAStools consist of different parts:
- LASlib, the low-level processing API.
- LASzip, the compression/decompression API. Both parts are free and open source.
- LAStools Software Suite. Additional tools based on LASlib and LASzip for processing LiDAR data. Some of the tools are free to use, others are licensed.
All code is written in ultra-lightweight, very efficient, and super-fast C++.
LAStools are a collection of highly efficient, multi-core batched, scriptable tools to process LAS, compressed LAZ, Terrasolid BIN, ESRI Shapefiles (SHP), ASCII, and others.
The open-source part is located in .\LASlib and .\LASzip The documentation is located in .\bin
powerful, lossless LiDAR compressor that turns large LAS files into much smaller LAZ fileslas2las
extracts last returns, clips, subsamples, translates, etc. ...las2txt
turns LAS into human-readable and easy-to-parse ASCIItxt2las
converts LIDAR data from ASCII text to binary LAS formatlasindex
creates a spatial index LAX file for fast spatial querieslasmerge
merges several LAS or LAZ files into a single LAS or LAZ filelasinfo
prints out a quick overview of the contents of a LAS filelascopcindex
creates a COPC *.laz file for a given set of *.las or *.laz fileslasdiff
compares LIDAR data and reports whether they are identical or differentlasprecision
analyses the actual precision of the LIDAR points
determine if LAS files are conform to the ASPRS LAS specificationslasview
visualizes a LAS file with a simple OpenGL viewere572las
extracts the points from the E57 format and stores them as LAS/LAZ filesdemzip
compresses and uncompresses raster data from ASC, BIL, TIF, IMG format to the compressed RasterLAZ format
rasters pointclouds (via a TIN) into elevation/slope/intensity/RGB DEMslas2iso
extracts, optionally simplified, elevation contourslas2shp
turns binary LAS into ESRI's Shapefile formatlas2tin
triangulates the points of a LAS file into a TINlas3dpoly
modifies points within a certain distance of 3D polylineslasboundary
extracts a boundary polygon that encloses the pointslascanopy
computes many raster and plot metrics for forestry applicationslasclassify
finds buildings and the vegetation above the groundlasclip
clips points against building footprints / swath boundarieslascolor
colors the LAS points based on ortho imagery in TIF formatlascontrol
quality checks elevations for a list of control pointslascopy
copies ttributes using the GPS-time stamp and the return numberlasdatum
transforms rom one horizontal datum to anotherlasdistance
classifies,flags, or removes points based on distance from polygonal segmentslasduplicate
removes duplicate points (with identical x and y, z optional)lasgrid
grids onto min/max/avg/std elevation, intensity, or counter rasterslasground
extracts the bare earth by classifying all ground pointslasground_new
an improved version of lasground for complex terrainslasheight
computes for each point its height above the groundlasintensity
corrects the intensity attenuation due to atmospheric absorptionlasnoise
flags r removes noise points in LAS/LAZ/BIN/ASCII fileslasoptimize
optimizes ata for better compression and spatial coherencylasoverage
finds he "overage" of an airborne collect that get covered by multiple flightlinelasoverlap
checks overlap & vertical/horizontal alignment of flight lineslasplanes
finds planar patches in terrestrial, mobile, (airborne?) scanslasprecision
reads IDAR data in the LAS format and computes statistics about precision "advertised" in the headerlasprobe
probes he elevation of a LIDAR for a given x and y locationlaspublish
do D visualization of LiDAR data in a web browser using the WebGL Potreelasreturn
reports eometric return statistics and repairs 'number of returns' field based on GPS timeslassort
sorts points by gps_time, point_source, or into spatial proximitylassplit
splits points of LAS file(s) into flightlines or other criterialasthin
thins lowest / highest / random LAS points via a gridlastile
tiles huge amounts of LAS points into square tileslastool
is an old GUI for multiple LAStools (now each tool has its own GUI)lastrack
classifies LiDAR point based on distance from a trajectorylasvdatum
transforms iDAR from ellipsoidal to orthometric elevations using a gridlasvoxel
computes voxelization of pointsshp2las
turns an ESRI's Shapefile into binary LAS
rasters like las2dem, but with streaming TINs for billions of points.blast2iso
contours like las2iso, but with streaming TINs for billions of points.
Binary downloads for Windows and Linux are available at The LAStools download contains all binaries of the open source and licensed tools. It also contains the LASzip/LASlib libraries and all BLAST binaries. All licensed tools can be tested for free up to the point limit (~3-5 million points).
All binaries are included in the download file. There is a full installer download and a binary-only download. For the binary download:
- create directory "c:\lastools"
- unzip to this directory
- run the LAStools executables
Detailed information at
create an installation target and extract the package
cd ~ mkdir lastools cd lastools wget tar xvzf LAStools.tar.gz rm LAStools.tar.gz
install dependencies or expand your library path to catch the included libraries
- install dependencies sudo apt-get install libjpeg62 libpng-dev libtiff-dev libjpeg-dev libz-dev libproj-dev liblzma-dev libjbig-dev libzstd-dev libgeotiff-dev libwebp-dev liblzma-dev libsqlite3-dev
- expand library path to include the local "./lib" directory export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
run the LAStools executables, e.g.
Numerous examples can be found in the included readme files in the bin directory.
Some sample DOS batch scripts can be found in the .\example_batch_scripts
All open source tools can be compiled from source code.
A ready-to-use MSVS solution file (LAStools.sln) is available for Windows.
This solution builds all open source tools and dlls in 64 bit.
There is a cmake file for Linux and MacOS.
Just go to the root directory and run
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release CMakeLists.txt
cmake --build .
The QGIS toolbox can be installed within QGIS, see (
The binary download contains the plugin for ArcGIS in .\ArcGIS_toolbox
Binary download at
- official website:
- user group:
Please read the LICENSE.txt
file for legal use and licensing information.
Your feedback is highly appreciated. Feel free to let us know what you use LAStools for and what features and improvements you might need.
(c) 2007-2024 [email protected] -