Tags: zkFHE/zkOpenFHE
Toggle v1.0.4's commit message
Merge pull request #444 from openfheorg/428-patch-104
Release patch for OpenFHE v1.0.4
Toggle v1.0.3's commit message
Merge pull request #333 from openfheorg/294-patch-1.0.3
294 patch 1.0.3
Toggle v1.0.2's commit message
Merge pull request #271 from openfheorg/270-hotfix-patch-for-main
Hotfix patch v1.0.2 for main
Toggle v1.0.1's commit message
Merge pull request #246 from openfheorg/patch-to-v1.0.1
Patch to v1.0.1
Toggle v1.0.0's commit message
Merge pull request #226 from openfheorg/dev
Update main to v1.0.0
Toggle v0.9.5's commit message
Merge pull request #213 from openfheorg/dev
Updates main to v0.9.5
Toggle v0.9.4's commit message
Merge pull request #197 from openfheorg/dev
Updates main to v0.9.4
Toggle v0.9.3's commit message
Merge pull request #184 from openfheorg/dev
Updates main to v0.9.3
Toggle v0.9.2's commit message
Merge pull request #171 from openfheorg/dev
Updates main to v0.9.2
Toggle v0.9.1's commit message
updated README and version (#140)
* updated README and version
* updated release notes
* Update Release_Notes.md
Co-authored-by: Yuriy Polyakov <[email protected] >
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