- pittsburgh, pa
It's a BMW shifter converted to a Bluetooth Keyboard that you use with Vim
A lisp with support for fexprs and interpreter collapsing
An idiomatic Clojure API for adding telemetry to your libraries and applications using OpenTelemetry.
A cross-platform Python interface for the Aranet4 CO₂ meter
Spec compliant WebAssembly compiler, decompiler, and generator
Incremental backup with strong cryptographic confidentiality baked into the data model.
A List of companies that use Array Languages (J, K, APL, q)
Archive of LISP Machine, Inc.
A programming language with static memory management based on λ-calculus
freshly-fermented, dependently-typed mustard, with a substructural aftertaste
A tool for building and booting stateless and immutable images, bare metal.
Emacs package to ensure scrolling remains fast
Experimental implementation of Cubical Type Theory
MXNet Clojure version of the code for the "Neural Networks and Deep Learning" free book
S-expression-aware diffing tool based on Levenshtein-like tree edit distance.
Racket implementation of Cook and Lämmel's partial evaluation tutorial.
Special (Conditions). A condition system for Clojure
A general-purpose probabilistic programming system with programmable inference
CQL: Categorical Query Language implementation in Haskell