LUNA Public
Code for the paper "LUNA: Language Understanding with Number Augmentations on Transformers via Number Plugins and Pre-training"
C-Sharp-Algorithms Public
Forked from aalhour/C-Sharp-Algorithms📚 📈 Plug-and-play class-library project of standard Data Structures and Algorithms in C#.
C# MIT License UpdatedJan 23, 2020 -
deep-reinforcement-learning Public
Forked from udacity/deep-reinforcement-learningRepo for the Deep Reinforcement Learning Nanodegree program
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedMar 1, 2019 -
BERT-pytorch Public
Forked from codertimo/BERT-pytorchGoogle AI 2018 BERT pytorch implementation
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJan 26, 2019 -
YEDDA Public
Forked from jiesutd/YEDDAYEDDA: A Lightweight Collaborative Text Span Annotation Tool. Code for ACL 2018 Best Demo Paper Nomination.
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedSep 13, 2018 -
FCND-Estimation-CPP Public
Forked from udacity/FCND-Estimation-CPPC++ project for the FCND estimation.
C++ UpdatedJul 12, 2018 -
FCND-Controls-CPP Public
Forked from udacity/FCND-Controls-CPPthe C++ simulator and portion of the controls project
C UpdatedJul 3, 2018 -
FCND-Motion-Planning Public
Forked from udacity/FCND-Motion-PlanningMotion planning project (P1)
Python UpdatedMay 28, 2018 -
QuickGraph Public
Forked from YaccConstructor/QuickGraphGeneric Graph Data Structures and Algorithms for .NET
C# Microsoft Public License UpdatedFeb 2, 2018 -
AIND-CV-FacialKeypoints Public
Forked from udacity/AIND-CV-FacialKeypointsAIND, computer vision capstone project. This repo contains starting code for an end-to-end facial keypoint recognition system that relies on a combination of computer vision and deep learning techn…
HTML UpdatedDec 11, 2017 -
Forked from udacity/AIND-NLPCoding exercises for the Natural Language Processing concentration, part of Udacity's AIND program.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedDec 5, 2017 -
AIND-CV-Mimic Public
Forked from udacity/AIND-CV-MimicAIND Computer Vision project: Mimic Me!
aind2-rnn Public
Forked from udacity/aind2-rnnProject materials for RNN segment of AIND nanodegree
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedNov 19, 2017 -
cat-project Public
Cat Breed Recognizer via Transfer Learning and CNN
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedNov 14, 2017 -
deep-learning Public
Forked from udacity/deep-learningRepo for the Deep Learning Nanodegree Foundations program.
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedNov 13, 2017 -
dog-project Public
Forked from udacity/dog-projectAIND Term 2 -- CNN Project
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedOct 10, 2017 -
aind2-cnn Public
Forked from udacity/aind2-cnnAIND Term 2 -- Lesson on Convolutional Neural Networks
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedAug 20, 2017 -
Casper Public
Forked from TryGhost/CasperThe default personal blogging theme for Ghost
CSS MIT License UpdatedJul 8, 2017 -
thuthesis Public
Forked from tuna/thuthesisLaTeX Thesis Template for Tsinghua University
TeX UpdatedMay 20, 2017 -
machine-learning Public
Forked from udacity/machine-learningContent for Udacity's Machine Learning curriculum
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedNov 15, 2016 -
ud120-projects Public
Forked from udacity/ud120-projectsStarter project code for students taking Udacity ud120
DIGITAL Command Language UpdatedNov 6, 2016 -
conFusion Public
Homework of online course Front-End Web UI Frameworks and Tools.
HTML UpdatedSep 6, 2016 -