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Tags: znanl/vim-plug



Toggle 0.6.2's commit message

- Fixed issues with NeoVim (junegunn#118, junegunn#127)
- Fixed to remove any existing ODL triggers (junegunn#130, junegunn#132)
- Fixed to check for full match of command name when setting ODL triggers (junegunn#135)
- Minor improvements and fixes (junegunn#123, junegunn#131, junegunn#135)


Toggle 0.6.1's commit message
Minor bug fixes and improvements

- Fixed PlugUpgrade on Neovim (junegunn#111)
- Changed not to suppress messages from ftplugin when loaded on-demand (junegunn#112)
- PlugInstall or PlugUpdate will now install frozen plugins as well (junegunn#113)
- Fixed not to yield empty path elements in &rtp (junegunn#114)


Toggle 0.6.0's commit message
- Asynchronous parallel installer for Neovim

- Added PlugSnapshot command
- Fixed PlugClean not to remove unmanaged plugins inside g:plug_home


Toggle 0.5.7's commit message
Minor bug fixes and improvements

- Resolve symlinks in path to plug.vim (junegunn#67)
- `syntax enable` instead of `syntax on`
- Refactor PlugUpgrade (junegunn#72)
- Remove plugin directory on failure during installation (junegunn#75)
- Add `U` keybinding for updating plugins (junegunn#79)
- Use blackhole register when deleting lines
- Expand argument to plug#begin (junegunn#82)
- Suppress error messages from `which` command
- Improve &runtimepath mgmt (junegunn#85, junegunn#88)
- Enable syntax only during startup


Toggle 0.5.6's commit message

- Added `g:plug_window` (junegunn#57)
- Changed URL for `PlugUpgrade` (junegunn#58)
- Added `g:plug_url_format` (junegunn#62)
- Fixed PlugDiff with git config `pull.rebase=true` (junegunn#64)
- Fixed commit review of `PlugDiff` when directory changed on BufEnter/BufLeave (junegunn#65)
- Changed not to print message after PlugUpdate when there was no updated (junegunn#66)


Toggle 0.5.5's commit message

- Use `git::` prefix to avoid password prompt on git 1.7 (junegunn#56)
- Allow Plug command even when git executable is not found (junegunn#52)


Toggle 0.5.4's commit message

- Added plug#helptags()
- Added plug#load(name...)
- Updated `:PlugStatus` to show which plugins are not yet loaded
    - You load them with `L` key (visual range allowed)
- Updated `:PlugDiff` to allow reverting the update with `X` key


Toggle 0.5.3's commit message

- Added `-bar` option to the commands so that they can be written one line
  with BARs. e.g. `PlugClean! | PlugInstall`
- Fixed `PlugUpgrade` so that a restart (or reload of .vimrc) is not required
  even when a very old version of vim-plug is upgraded
- Removed redundant code for creating of `g:plug_home` directory


Toggle 0.5.2's commit message
Forced run of post-update hooks using bang commands

PlugInstall! / PlugUpdate!


Toggle 0.5.1's commit message
Fix many subtle issues regarding on-demand loading etc.

- On-demand loading
    - Fix loading of unwanted files (e.g. colors/*.vim, syntax/*.vim, etc.)
- Filetyp-based on-demand loading
    - Load `after/ftdetect` as well
    - Make sure indent files are loaded by invoking
      `doautocmd filetypeindent FileType`
- Ensure plugin loaded when it was added after Vim started
- Do not reload $MYVIMRC after installtion/update
    - Instead simply call plug#end()