A single SpringBoot application that can be configured as a JMS topic publisher or subscriber.
docker-compose up
To start an Artemis server with one publisher and two subscribers.
The publisher will log when it sends messages and the subscribers will og when a message is received, for example:
pub_1 | 2021-01-15 15:32:35.525 INFO 1 --- [ scheduling-1] com.example.amqdemo.ScheduleConfig : Sending a message.
sub1_1 | 2021-01-15 15:32:35.535 INFO 1 --- [enerContainer-2] com.example.amqdemo.Topic1Receiver : Message read from topic 1 : CustomMessage{text='Topic 1 message', sequence=2, secret=false, sent=2021-01-15T15:32:35.526117} transfer time: 8882µs
sub2_1 | 2021-01-15 15:32:35.542 INFO 1 --- [enerContainer-2] com.example.amqdemo.Topic2Receiver : Message read from topic 2 : CustomMessage{text='Topic 2 message', sequence=1, secret=false, sent=2021-01-15T15:32:35.534279} transfer time: 8498µs
Messages are sent from ScheduleConfig.java.
The JmsListenerContainerFactory is set up as a bean in AmqdemoAppication.java.
When using durable queues, you can shutdown the subscribers and then start them up again to see that they still receive messages that were sent while they were down.