- Copy these code to your project
- add preset in your
import { presetAnimate } from './preset.animate'
export default defineConfig({
presets: [presetUno(), presetAnimate()],
shortcuts: [
'flex-center': 'flex justify-center items-center',
'flex-col-center': 'flex flex-col justify-center items-center',
rules: [],
theme: {} as Theme,
source code
import { h } from '@unocss/preset-mini/utils'
import type { Preset } from 'unocss'
import type { PresetMiniOptions, Theme } from 'unocss/preset-mini'
const handleMatchNumber = (v: string, defaultVal = '0') =>
h.bracket.cssvar.global.auto.fraction.number(v || defaultVal)?.replace('%', '')
const handleMatchRem = (v: string, defaultVal = 'full') => h.bracket.cssvar.global.auto.fraction.rem(v || defaultVal)
export interface PresetAnimateOptions extends PresetMiniOptions {}
export function presetAnimate(options: PresetAnimateOptions = {}): Preset<Theme> {
return {
name: 'unocss-preset-animate',
preflights: [
getCSS: () => `
@keyframes ani-down { from{ height: 0 } to { height: var(--radix-accordion-content-height)} }
@keyframes ani-up { from{ height: var(--radix-accordion-content-height)} to { height: 0 } }
@keyframes ani-enter { from{ opacity: var(--un-enter-opacity, 1); transform: translate3d(var(--un-enter-translate-x, 0), var(--un-enter-translate-y, 0), 0) scale3d(var(--un-enter-scale, 1), var(--un-enter-scale, 1), var(--un-enter-scale, 1)) rotate(var(--un-enter-rotate, 0)) } }
@keyframes ani-exit { to{ opacity: var(--un-exit-opacity, 1); transform: translate3d(var(--un-exit-translate-x, 0), var(--un-exit-translate-y, 0), 0) scale3d(var(--un-exit-scale, 1), var(--un-exit-scale, 1), var(--un-exit-scale, 1)) rotate(var(--un-exit-rotate, 0)) } }
rules: [
animation: 'ani-down 0.2s ease-out',
animation: 'ani-up 0.2s ease-out',
'animation-name': 'ani-enter',
'animation-duration': 'var(--un-animate-duration)',
'--un-animate-duration': '150ms',
'--un-enter-opacity': 'initial',
'--un-enter-scale': 'initial',
'--un-enter-rotate': 'initial',
'--un-enter-translate-x': 'initial',
'--un-enter-translate-y': 'initial',
'animation-name': 'ani-exit',
'animation-duration': 'var(--un-animate-duration)',
'--un-animate-duration': '150ms',
'--un-exit-opacity': 'initial',
'--un-exit-scale': 'initial',
'--un-exit-rotate': 'initial',
'--un-exit-translate-x': 'initial',
'--un-exit-translate-y': 'initial',
[/^fade-in-?(.+)?$/, ([, d]) => ({ '--un-enter-opacity': `${Number(handleMatchNumber(d) || 0) / 100}` })],
[/^fade-out-?(.+)?$/, ([, d]) => ({ '--un-exit-opacity': `${Number(handleMatchNumber(d) || 0) / 100}` })],
[/^zoom-in-?(.+)?$/, ([, d]) => ({ '--un-enter-scale': `${Number(handleMatchNumber(d) || 0) / 100}` })],
[/^zoom-out-?(.+)?$/, ([, d]) => ({ '--un-exit-scale': `${Number(handleMatchNumber(d) || 0) / 100}` })],
[/^spin-in-?(.+)?$/, ([, d]) => ({ '--un-enter-rotate': `${Number(handleMatchNumber(d) || 0)}deg` })],
[/^spin-out-?(.+)?$/, ([, d]) => ({ '--un-exit-rotate': `${Number(handleMatchNumber(d) || 0)}deg` })],
[/^slide-in-from-top-?(.+)?$/, ([, d]) => ({ '--un-enter-translate-y': `-${handleMatchRem(d)}` })],
[/^slide-in-from-bottom-?(.+)?$/, ([, d]) => ({ '--un-enter-translate-y': handleMatchRem(d) })],
[/^slide-in-from-left-?(.+)?$/, ([, d]) => ({ '--un-enter-translate-x': `-${handleMatchRem(d)}` })],
[/^slide-in-from-right-?(.+)?$/, ([, d]) => ({ '--un-enter-translate-x': handleMatchRem(d) })],
[/^slide-out-to-top-?(.+)?$/, ([, d]) => ({ '--un-exit-translate-y': `-${handleMatchRem(d)}` })],
[/^slide-out-to-bottom-?(.+)?$/, ([, d]) => ({ '--un-exit-translate-y': handleMatchRem(d) })],
[/^slide-out-to-left-?(.+)?$/, ([, d]) => ({ '--un-exit-translate-x': `-${handleMatchRem(d)}` })],
[/^slide-out-to-right-?(.+)?$/, ([, d]) => ({ '--un-exit-translate-x': handleMatchRem(d) })],
export default presetAnimate