Plugin for Obsidian that allows to do a lot of things with JavaScript/TypeScript scripts from inside the Obsidian itself
Underlay and RDMA network solution of the Kubernetes, for bare metal, VM and any public cloud
eBPF-based Networking, Security, and Observability
The easiest, most secure way to use WireGuard and 2FA.
dockerd as a compliant Container Runtime Interface for Kubernetes
Native Kubernetes desktop IDE designed for seamless cluster exploration
Deploy a Production Ready Kubernetes Cluster
An open-source, cross-platform terminal for seamless workflows
RustMagazine 2021 期刊 (已完结)
A Cloud Native Batch System (Project under CNCF)
Device-plugin for volcano vgpu which support hard resource isolation
Heterogeneous AI Computing Virtualization Middleware
NVIDIA k8s device plugin for Kubevirt
OpenMLDB is an open-source machine learning database that provides a feature platform computing consistent features for training and inference.
easyexcel作者最新升级版本, 快速、简洁、解决大文件内存溢出的java处理Excel工具
Sz-Admin:一个开源RBAC中后台框架,专为现代应用设计。它结合了最新的技术栈,包括后端的Spring Boot 3、JDK 21、Mybatis Flex、Sa-Token、Knife4j和Flyway,以及前端的Vue 3、Vite5、TypeScript和Element Plus,致力于为您提供一个直观、流畅且功能强大的开发体验。
Manifold is a Java compiler plugin, its features include Metaprogramming, Properties, Extension Methods, Operator Overloading, Templates, a Preprocessor, and more.
Multiplatform reactive UI for Android, iOS, and web using Kotlin and Jetpack Compose