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Starred repositories
HybridCLR是一个特性完整、零成本、高性能、低内存的Unity全平台原生c#热更新解决方案。 HybridCLR is a fully featured, zero-cost, high-performance, low-memory solution for Unity's all-platform native c# hotupdate.
Ergonomic and modular web framework built with Tokio, Tower, and Hyper
The official repo of Qwen (通义千问) chat & pretrained large language model proposed by Alibaba Cloud.
Web-based Process Visualization (SCADA/HMI/Dashboard) software
🍹 The smart data fetching layer for Pinia
A curated list of awesome libraries, packages, strategies, books, blogs, tutorials for systematic trading.
A high-performance algorithmic trading platform and event-driven backtester
A curated list of insanely awesome libraries, packages and resources for systematic trading. Crypto, Stock, Futures, Options, CFDs, FX, and more | 量化交易 | 量化投资
Performance analysis of predictive (alpha) stock factors
[🔥updating ...] AI 自动量化交易机器人(完全本地部署) AI-powered Quantitative Investment Research Platform. 📃 online docs: https://ufund-me.github.io/Qbot ✨ :news: qbot-mini: https://github.com/Charmve/iQuant
A simple but powerful tweening / animation library for Javascript. Part of the CreateJS suite of libraries.
The Easel Javascript library provides a full, hierarchical display list, a core interaction model, and helper classes to make working with the HTML5 Canvas element much easier.
The Swiss Army Knife of Vector Graphics Scripting – Scriptographer ported to JavaScript and the browser, using HTML5 Canvas. Created by @lehni & @puckey
A renderer agnostic two-dimensional drawing api for the web.
The HTML5 Creation Engine: Create beautiful digital content with the fastest, most flexible 2D WebGL renderer.
Konva.js is an HTML5 Canvas JavaScript framework that extends the 2d context by enabling canvas interactivity for desktop and mobile applications.
Javascript Canvas Library, SVG-to-Canvas (& canvas-to-SVG) Parser
Scripts and doc for https://www.dolthub.com/repositories/chenditc/investment_data
Unofficial mirror of FernFlower Java decompiler (All pulls should be submitted upstream)
SuiteCRM - Open source CRM for the world
A set of beautifully-designed, accessible, and customizable components to help you build your component library. Open Source.
EdiFabric C# .NET Examples for EDIFACT D96A, EANCOM D03B, EDIGAS 4.0, and IATA PNRGOV