B2.NET is a C# client for the Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage service.
B2.NET is still in Beta, so use it in production at your own risk.
- Full implementation of the B2 REST API (except Keys management)
- Support for file FriendlyURL's (this functionality is not part of the supported B2 api and may break at any time)
- UFT-8 and Url Encoding support
- Fully Async
- Full test coverage
- Targets .NET 4.5 and .NET Standard 1.5
- The new Key's API's is technically supported, but untested. You cannot manage keys with this library, just use already existing ones.
Install-Package B2Net
// the B2Client will default to the bucketId provided here
// for all subsequent calls if you set PersistBucket to true.
var options = new B2Options() {
AccountId = "YOUR ACCOUNT ID",
ApplicationKey = "YOUR APPLICATION KEY",
PersistBucket = true/false
var client = new B2Client(Options);
The options
object returned from the Authorize method will contain the authorizationToken necessary for subsequent
calls to the B2 API. This will automatically be handled by the library when necessary. You do not have to keep this object around.
The options
object requires AccountID and ApplicationKey to authorize.
Application Keys are supported, but have not been tested thoroughly. If you want to use an application key you must specify your AccountId, KeyId, and ApplicationKey for the application key that you want to use. If you do not specify all three parameters you cannot be authenticated.
var client = new B2Client(B2Client.Authorize(options));
// OR
var client = new B2Client(B2Client.Authorize("ACCOUNTID", "APPLICATIONKEY", "OPTIONAL KEYID"));
// OR
// OR
var client = new B2Client("ACCOUNTID", "APPLICATIONKEY");
var bucketList = await client.Buckets.GetList();
// [
// { BucketId: "",
// BucketName: "",
// BucketType: "",
// BucketInfo: Dictionary<string,string> }
// ]
var client = new B2Client("ACCOUNTID", "APPLICATIONKEY");
var bucket = await client.Buckets.Create("BUCKETNAME", "OPTIONAL_BUCKET_TYPE");
// { BucketId: "",
// BucketName: "",
// BucketType: "" }
var client = new B2Client("ACCOUNTID", "APPLICATIONKEY");
var bucket = await client.Buckets.Create("BUCKETNAME", new B2BucketOptions() {
CacheControl = 300,
LifecycleRules = new System.Collections.Generic.List<B2BucketLifecycleRule>() {
new B2BucketLifecycleRule() {
DaysFromHidingToDeleting = 30,
DaysFromUploadingToHiding = null,
FileNamePrefix = ""
// { BucketId: "",
// BucketName: "",
// BucketType: "",
// BucketInfo: Dictionary<string,string>,
// LifecycleRules: List<B2BucketLifecycleRule> }
var client = new B2Client("ACCOUNTID", "APPLICATIONKEY");
var bucket = await client.Buckets.Update("BUCKETID", "BUCKETYPE");
// { BucketId: "",
// BucketName: "",
// BucketType: "" }
var client = new B2Client("ACCOUNTID", "APPLICATIONKEY");
var bucket = await client.Buckets.Update("BUCKETID", new B2BucketOptions() {
CacheControl = 300,
LifecycleRules = new System.Collections.Generic.List<B2BucketLifecycleRule>() {
new B2BucketLifecycleRule() {
DaysFromHidingToDeleting = 30,
DaysFromUploadingToHiding = null,
FileNamePrefix = ""
// { BucketId: "",
// BucketName: "",
// BucketType: "",
// BucketInfo: Dictionary<string,string>,
// LifecycleRules: List<B2BucketLifecycleRule> }
var client = new B2Client("ACCOUNTID", "APPLICATIONKEY");
var bucket = await client.Buckets.Delete("BUCKETID");
// { BucketId: "",
// BucketName: "",
// BucketType: "" }
var client = new B2Client("ACCOUNTID", "APPLICATIONKEY");
var fileList = await client.Files.GetList("BUCKETID", "FILENAME");
// Using optional prefix and delimiter
var fileList = await client.Files.GetList("BUCKETID", "FILENAME", prefix: "PREFIX", delimiter: "DELIMITER");
// {
// NextFileName: "",
// [
// { FileId: "",
// FileName: "",
// ContentLength: "",
// ContentSHA1: "",
// ContentType: "" }
// ]
// }
var client = new B2Client("ACCOUNTID", "APPLICATIONKEY");
var uploadUrl = await client.Files.GetUploadUrl("BUCKETID");
var file = await client.Files.Upload("FILEDATABYTES", "FILENAME", uploadUrl, "AUTORETRY", "BUCKETID", "FILEINFOATTRS");
// { FileId: "",
// FileName: "",
// ContentLength: "",
// ContentSHA1: "",
// ContentType: "",
// FileInfo: Dictionary<string,string> }
var client = new B2Client("ACCOUNTID", "APPLICATIONKEY");
var file = await client.Files.DownloadById("FILEID");
// { FileId: "",
// FileName: "",
// ContentLength: "",
// ContentSHA1: "",
// ContentType: "",
// FileData: byte[],
// FileInfo: Dictionary<string,string> }
var client = new B2Client("ACCOUNTID", "APPLICATIONKEY");
var file = await client.Files.DownloadName("FILENAME", "BUCKETNAME");
// { FileId: "",
// FileName: "",
// ContentLength: "",
// ContentSHA1: "",
// ContentType: "",
// FileData: byte[],
// FileInfo: Dictionary<string,string> }
var client = new B2Client("ACCOUNTID", "APPLICATIONKEY");
var file = await client.Files.GetVersions("FILENAME", "FILEID");
// {
// NextFileName: "",
// NextFileId: "",
// [
// { FileId: "",
// FileName: "",
// Action: "",
// Size: "",
// UploadTimestamp: "" }
// ]
// }
var client = new B2Client("ACCOUNTID", "APPLICATIONKEY");
var file = await client.Files.Delete("FILEID", "FILENAME");
// { FileId: "",
// FileName: ""}
var client = new B2Client("ACCOUNTID", "APPLICATIONKEY");
var file = await client.Files.Hide("FILEID", "BUCKETID");
// { FileId: "",
// FileName: "",
// Action: "",
// Size: "",
// UploadTimestamp: ""}
var client = new B2Client("ACCOUNTID", "APPLICATIONKEY");
var file = client.Files.GetInfo("FILEID").Result;
// { FileId: "",
// FileName: "",
// ContentSHA1: "",
// BucketId: "",
// ContentLength: "",
// ContentType: "",
// FileInfo: Dictionary<string,string> }
var client = new B2Client("ACCOUNTID", "APPLICATIONKEY");
var downloadAuth = await client.Files.GetDownloadAuthorization("FILENAMEPREFIX", "VALIDDURATION", "BUCKETNAME", "CONTENTDISPOSITION");
// { FileNamePrefix: "",
// BucketId: "",
// AuthorizationToken: "" }
See the Large File tests for usage details.
Certain errors returned by B2 point to a temporary error with the upload or download of a file.
If one of these errors are encountered during an upload or download then the B2Exception that
is returned will have the ShouldRetryRequest
flag marked true. This is an indication that you
should retry the request if you are so inclined.
- 0.6.0 Preliminary support for the v2 Keys API
- 0.5.32 Fixed bug preventing the use of Keys API keys
- 0.5.31 Fixed upload bug introduced in 0.5.21
- 0.5.3 Fixed incorrect property names for B2UploadPart and added GetDownloadAuthorization
- 0.5.21 Fixed bug with formatting POST requests
- 0.5.2 Implemented Interfaces for easier testing (from @mattdewn) and fixed tests
- 0.5.0 Large file management apis (version mix up as well)
- 0.4.9 static Authorize
- 0.4.6 Configureable HttpClient timeout
- 0.4.5 File prefix and delimiter support
- 0.4.0 Added Large File support
- 0.2.5 Support for .NET 4.5 and .NET Standard 1.5 and FriendlyURL's for files
- 0.1.92 Fixed Lifecycle Rules null issue.
- 0.1.9 Added Lifecycle Rules and Cache Control to bucket creation and updating.
- 0.1.81 Switch targeting to netstandard1.3 and updated B2 endpoint
- 0.1.7 Merged changes for file name encoding and maxFileCount from tomvoros
- 0.1.6 Started URL Encoding file names.
- 0.1.5 File info attributes support.
- 0.1.0 Initial Alpha release.
From the src directory run
dotnet pack -o ..\tests\
From the tests directory run
dotnet restore
dotnet test