OLD (New version here: - A visual orbit simulation that includes: orbit perturbations from J2, the Sun and Moon, and atmospheric drag.
5th place answer among 105 competitors
Python-based Space Physics Environment Data Analysis Software
determination of satellite orbits and more
Package to support the analysis of high-precision astrometry timeseries, in particular the determination of Keplerian orbits.
code of Towards Discriminability and Diversity: Batch Nuclear-norm Maximization under Label Insufficient Situations (CVPR2020 oral)
Code release for Transferability vs. Discriminability: Batch Spectral Penalization for Adversarial Domain Adaptation (ICML 2019)
[AAAI'22] FedProto: Federated Prototype Learning across Heterogeneous Clients
Python Code to control STK 11 Program.
A reinforcement learning algorithm controller for a satellite using the orekit library
RL for optimal satellite collision avoidance maneuvres
This repo contains the underlying code for all the experiments from the paper: "Automatic Discovery of Privacy-Utility Pareto Fronts"
just a few trouble shooting tips I have found for training variational autoencoders. All code in tensorflow
Demo app to show how to use rtree and pygame to show a bunch of bouncing balls, bouncing off each other and the walls
Variational Autoencoder for Unsupervised and Disentangled Representation Learning of content and motion features in sequential data (Mandt et al.).
PyTorch Implementation of Disentangled Sequential Autoencoder
Learning to Decompose and Disentangle Representations for Video Prediction, NIPS 2018
Code for "Calibrated Model-Based Deep Reinforcement Learning", ICML 2019.
Hello, I pushed some python environments for Multi Agent Reinforcement Learning.
some Multiagent enviroment in 《Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning in Sequential Social Dilemmas》 and 《Value-Decomposition Networks For Cooperative Multi-Agent Learning》
Mind-aware Multi-agent Management Reinforcement Learning
Repo containing code for multi-agent deep reinforcement learning (MADRL).