- Belief and Biases in Web Search
- Improving Search Result Summaries By Using Searcher Behaviour Data
- News Vertical Search: When and What to Display to Users
- Learning to Personalize Query Auto-Completion
- Task-Aware Query Recommendation
- Query Expansion using Path-Constrained Random Walks
- Semantic hashing using tags and topic modeling
- An unsupervised topic segmentation model incorporating word order
- A Biterm Topic Model for Short Texts (www 2013)
- Manhattan hashing for large-scale image retrieval (sigir 2012)
- Competence-Based Song Recommendation
- Visualizing Brand Associations from Web Community Photos (WSDM 2014)
- Opportunity Model for E-commerce Recommendation: Right Product; Right Time
- TFMAP: Optimizing MAP for top-n context-aware recommendation (sigir 2012)
- Who likes it more? Mining Worth-Recommending items from Long Tails by Modeling Relative Preference (WSDM, 2014)
- A Novel TF-IDF Weighting Scheme for Effective Ranking
- Taily: Shard Selection Using the Tail of Score Distributions
- A Mutual Information-based Framework for the Analysis of Information Retrieval Systems
- Mixture Model with Multiple Centralized Retrieval Algorithms for Result Merging in Federated Search (sigir 2012)
- Using Stranger as Sensors: Temporal and Geo-sensitive Q&A via Social Networks (www 2013)
- Personalized Time-Aware Tweets Summarization
- Google+ or Google-?: Dissecting the evolution of the new OSN in its first year(www 2013)
- From Amateurs to Connoisseurs: Modeling the Evolution of User Expertise through Online Reviews (www 2013)
- AMIE: Association Rule Mining under Incomplete Evidence in Ontological Knowledge Bases(www 2013)
- Toward Whole-Session Relevance: Exploring Intrinsic Diversity in Web Search
- Deciding on an Adjustment for Multiplicity in IR Experiments
- Research Homepage Classification using Unlabeled Data (www 2013)