Genki Study Resources is a website that offers a vast collection of exercises for practicing what is taught in Genki: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese. It was mainly created to help aid with self-study, as such, you can use it online or offline depending on your needs. Choose one of the links below to begin testing the Japanese you've learned in Genki!
Online Version:
Offline Version: download
If you're using the offline version you'll have to unzip the files. Once you've done that, you can access all the study resources by opening any of the index.html files in the browser of your choice. It should have the same experience as the online version, however, whenever new exercises/lessons are added they wont be available; you'll have to download the latest version of the repository to get them.
If Icons are Broken: If you use Firefox and icons appear broken, then please see this topic to resolve the issue.
If Exercises Wont Load: If exercises are stuck endlessly loading, please see this topic for resolving the issue.
If you have any suggestions, feedback, or bugs to report, feel free to open a new issue in this repository or leave a comment in this reddit thread to let me know. For more information, please check out the report page for Genki Study Resources.
- Genki Self-study Room
- Tae Kim's Guide to Learning Japanese
- Imabi
- Jisho - Japanese Dictionary
- /r/LearnJapanese
- The Japan Times, Eri Banno, Yoko Ikeda, Yutaka Ohno, Chikako Shinagawa, and Kyoko Tokashiki for Genki: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese.
- Noriko Udagawa and Reiko Maruyama for some Illustrations that were used.
- Patrick Roberts for his help with an algorithm that helped make mixed kana/kanji answers possible in written quizzes.
- Everyone who helped contribute to this project, both on Github and outside of it.
The following resources were used in this project. Check them out!
- Font-Awesome for the awesome icons.
- dragula for the simple drag and drop.
- easytimer.js for the super easy timer.
Please see the Donate page for ways to support my work.