Hi there, I'm Ruyi Zhao. Days at the Tongji University is the deepest memories in my whole life, my supervisor is Fanhuai Shi. Now I am a computer science student from Tongji University and focusing on CV and DL recently. Languages and Tools:
Talking about Personal Stuffs:
- 👨💻 I'm currently a student at Tongji University, engaged in computer vision research;
- 🌱 I'm currently interested in object detection and instance segmentation, Self-Supervised learning, Semi-Supervised learning, etc;
- 🤔 In terms of technology, I am fluent in python and studying C++ recently;
- 💬 Ask me about anything, I am happy to help;
- Research on the identification method of plant diseases based on deep learning
- Plant disease detection based on deep learning and aerial images
- ICRA 2021 RoboMaster University AI Challenge
- HuaWeiCloud AI Challenge · Unmanned Vehicle Challenge Cup
- I2DKPCN: an unsupervised deep learning network. Applied Intelligence.
- SeqCo-DETR: Sequence Consistency Training for Self-Supervised Object Detection with Transformers. WACV(under review)
- Pest disease detection of Brassica chinensis through UAV-imagery and deep learning. Applied Intelligence(under review)
- Waiting for update
- ICRA 2021 RoboMaster University AI Challenge First Prize
- "Huawei Cup" The 17th China Post-Graduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling Third Prize
- Waiting for update
Please feel free to contact me if you want to do project or paiticipate competition with me ([email protected]).