The University of Tennessee Health Science Center (@uthsc)
- https://andreaguarracino.github.io
- @AndresGuarahino
pangenome analyses for complete genomes of great apes (and gibbon)
Genome browser hub for the T2T genomes and resources
lh3 / TRF-mod
Forked from Benson-Genomics-Lab/TRFTandem Repeats Finder: a program to analyze DNA sequences
Fast and exact gap-affine partial order alignment
ekg / s2t
Forked from franchesoni/s2t🗣️ ⌨️ Speech-to-text on key for Linux
Pipelines for using T2T genome as a reference
Multiple sequence alignment of long tandem repeats
Pipeline for calling 45S methylation on the per unit level given an input set of ONT reads