A C++ library to solve equation AX=XB, which is known as been widely used in hand-eye calibration for robotics
STEB-Planner is a spatiotemporal elastic bands-based trajectory planner for autonomous vehicles using semantic graph optimization
FAST-LIVO2: Fast, Direct LiDAR-Inertial-Visual Odometry
GLM-4 series: Open Multilingual Multimodal Chat LMs | 开源多语言多模态对话模型
Official PyTorch implementation of the NeurIPS2022 paper "PolarMix: A General Data Augmentation Technique for LiDAR Point Clouds"
Mix3D: Out-of-Context Data Augmentation for 3D Scenes (3DV 2021 Oral)
Several simple examples for popular neural network toolkits calling custom CUDA operators.
OpenPCSeg: Open Source Point Cloud Segmentation Toolbox and Benchmark
A simplified implementation of FAST_LIO (with Chinese note)
OpenGPTs- Powerful GPTs Colipot | 强大的gpts浏览器插件|多窗口|批量对话|chatgpt3.5|chatgpt4.0
[CVPR 2024] Cam4DOcc: Benchmark for Camera-Only 4D Occupancy Forecasting in Autonomous Driving Applications
An all-in-one and ready-to-use LiDAR-inertial odometry system for Livox LiDAR
OpenCalib: A Multi-sensor Calibration Toolbox for Autonomous Driving
An EKF-Based GNSS/INS Integrated Navigation System
A Consistent Frame-to-Frame Solid-State-LiDAR-Inertial State Estimator
Generate color pointcloud using the messages from one camera and one lidar
Tool extensions for ros2bag cli
Extract the lane marking by feature matching and image processing method in container. This repository is a modifed version from
Model for the extraction of lane lines, both curved and straight, from the road. Augmented the lane area, as well added important metrics, such as cars distance from the center of the road. Impleme…
A repository to hold definitions of docker images maintained by OSRF
A Non-Uniform Quadtree Map Building Method Including Dead-End Semantics Extraction