Apple Corps (official international community)
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- http://tinyurl.com/beatles-ed
Basic guide: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (the UN), The Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity (UNESCO). State parties, which ratified the Convention 2005 (on the Protection and P…
shieldframework Public
Forked from enygma/shieldframeworkShield - A Security Minded Microframework
todomvc Public
Forked from tastejs/todomvcHelping you select an MV* framework - Todo apps for Backbone.js, Ember.js, AngularJS, Spine and many more
fisl-keynotes Public
Forked from heynemann/fisl-keynotesfisl-keynotes
antigen Public
Forked from zsh-users/antigenA plugin manager for zsh, inspired by oh-my-zsh and vundle.
KineticJS Public
Forked from ericdrowell/KineticJSKineticJS is an HTML5 Canvas JavaScript library that extends the 2d context by enabling canvas interactivity for desktop and mobile applications.
essential-js-design-patterns Public
Forked from addyosmani/essential-js-design-patternsLearning JavaScript Design Patterns
rack-core-data Public
Forked from mattt/rack-scaffoldAutomatically generate REST APIs from Core Data models
backbone-aura Public
Forked from aurajs/auraA decoupled, event-driven architecture on top of Backbone.js for developing widget-based applications
php-the-right-way Public
Forked from codeguy/php-the-right-wayAn easy-to-read, quick reference for PHP best practices, accepted coding standards, and links to authoritative tutorials around the Web
underscore Public
Forked from gigamonkey/underscoreJavaScript's utility _ belt
r3 Public
Forked from heynemann/r3r³ is a map-reduce engine written in python using redis as a backend
getUserMedia.js Public
Forked from addyosmani/getUserMedia.jsShim for getUserMedia - WebRTC for Chrome Canary/Opera.next.camera, Flash fallback for everyone else.
jobtrack Public
Forked from enygma/jobtrackJobTrack : A Sample Job Tracking App with FuelPHP + Backbone.js
coffee-script Public
Forked from jashkenas/coffeescriptUnfancy JavaScript
docco Public
Forked from jashkenas/doccoLiterate Programming can be Quick and Dirty.
phpmentoring.github.com Public
Forked from enygma/phpmentoring.github.comWebsite for the PHP Mentoring Organization
skink.vnext Public
Forked from heynemann/skink.vnextnext release of skink ci server
ruby-thumbor Public
Forked from thumbor/ruby-thumborruby-thumbor is the client library to thumbor.
photon Public
Forked from thomasxiii/photonCSS 3D Lighting Engine
coffee-script-tmbundle Public
Forked from jashkenas/coffee-script-tmbundleA TextMate Bundle for CoffeeScript
1 UpdatedJun 19, 2012 -
Agile-ExtJS-ZF Public
Forked from enygma/Agile-ExtJS-ZFDPC12 ExtJs+ZF Examples
pluck Public
Forked from thomasxiii/plucka bookmarklet to simplify twitter.com
1 UpdatedMay 25, 2012 -
Mink Public
Forked from enygma/MinkPHP 5.3 acceptance test framework for web applications
ruby-processing Public
Forked from jashkenas/ruby-processingCode as Art, Art as Code. Processing and Ruby are meant for each other.
new-turing-omnibus Public
A smattering of programs from "The New Turing Omnibus," all done up in Ruby slippers.