Sheriff processes aligned Superb-seq data to call edit sites and quantify gene expression in single cells
The inputted bam must be the annotated bam file outputted from split-pipe, which is available after creating an account at Parse Biosciences.
For split-pipe version and commands used to process the fastq files to the annotated bam file, please see the super_analysis repository.
Please replace 'mamba' with 'conda' if not installed, mamba much faster however (recommend installing mamba!).
Expected install time is approximately 1-minute.
The current version has been tested with python 3.10 using the conda environment setup specified below, on both linux (Rocky 9 distro) and macOS Sonoma 14.1.
To install from source:
mamba create -n sheriff_env python=3.10
mamba activate sheriff_env
mamba install conda-forge::biopython=1.81 typing_extensions typer bioconda::pyranges bioconda::pysam
git clone
cd Sheriff
pip install .
sheriff --help
╭─ Arguments ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ * bam_file TEXT BAM file [default: None] [required] │
│ * ref_file TEXT Fasta containing ref genome [default: None] [required] │
│ * barcode_file TEXT Text file containing whitelisted barcode per line [default: None] [required] │
│ * gtf_file TEXT GTF file containing relevant gene data [default: None] [required] │
╭─ Options ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --t7,--t7_barcode TEXT Target/query barcode sequence to denote t7 reads. [default: GGGAGAGTAT] │
│ --blacklist,--blacklist_file TEXT Bed file that species the location of blacklist regions, these generate alot of endogenuous t7 reads that can lead to slow │
│ processing time and false-positive edit-site calling. │
│ [default: None] │
│ --whitelist,--whitelist_file TEXT Bed file that species the location of whitelist regions, which are known edit sites and so will call any barcoded reads implying │
│ an edit site intersecting these regions as canonical edit sites. │
│ [default: None] │
│ --kmer,--kmer_size -k INTEGER Size of kmers used to pattern match read barcodes to the t7 barcode. [default: 6] │
│ --edit_dist,--edist,--dist INTEGER +/- distance from edit site to be grouped as same edit. [default: 140] │
│ --bidirectional_inserts Candidate edit site must have evidence of bi-directional donor insertion to be called as a canonical edit site.Highly │
│ recommended criteria. │
│ [default: True] │
│ --stranded_edit_dist INTEGER Maximum allowed distance between the nearest forward and reverse edit sites at a given canonical edit site to qualify as real │
│ edit. │
│ [default: 15] │
│ --edit_site_min_cells INTEGER Minimum cells in edit site to be considered true edit. [default: 3] │
│ --nonbc_edit_dist,--nonbc_edist,--nonbc_dist,--nonbc INTEGER +/- distance from edit to mop up the non-barcoded reads. [default: 1000] │
│ --ploidy INTEGER Ploidy/Number of chromosomes in the genome. [default: 2] │
│ --cnv,--cnv_file,--copy_number_variant_file TEXT A bedGraph file that specifies copy-number-variation sites, that deviate from the ploidy number. [default: None] │
│ --blacklist_seqs TEXT Text file of sequences, with a new sequence on each line, that may be present in read soft-clip sequencescan confound t7 │
│ barcoded read calls. Currently only the TSO, which is a common left-over artifact. │
│ [default: None] │
│ --mrna_count_mode TEXT Mode for quantifying gene expression,'all' is to count all reads associated with a gene, 'polyT' is to only count polyT reads, │
│ indicating mature mRNA transcripts. │
│ [default: all] │
│ --out,--outdir,--out_dir -o TEXT Write output files to this location. Defaults to Current Working Directory [default: None] │
│ --v,--verbosity -v,-verbosity INTEGER Verbosity levels. 0 errors only, 1 prints processing progress, 2 prints debugging information. [default: 1] │
│ --install-completion Install completion for the current shell. │
│ --show-completion Show completion for the current shell, to copy it or customize the installation. │
│ --help Show this message and exit. │
Expected run-time for data preparation below is ~2 minutes.
Assumes are in the Sheriff directory.
wget -O example_data/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.primary_assembly.fa.gz
gzip -d example_data/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.primary_assembly.fa.gz
mamba install samtools
samtools faidx example_data/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.primary_assembly.fa
wget -O example_data/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.110.gtf.gz
gzip -d example_data/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.110.gtf.gz
NOTE The bam file used here is for the more deeply sequenced 500 cell library, with reads subsetted to those occuring with 200kb of a true called canonical edit site in a larger 10k cell library. Therefore the edit site calling will be accurate (though will be missing some edit sites compared with the 10k library), BUT the gene counts will be NOT accurate because most reads have been filtered from the bam so can easily make it available via github.
NOTE For minimum cells to call canonical edit site, used 3 for 10k library, recommend increasing for larger cell libraries to reduce false positive calls. CNV file only necessary if have copy number variants in the genome, can exclude and will assume 2 copies throughout. See 'ploidy' parameter.
Expected run time for this demo is <30 seconds.
sheriff ${bam_} ${ref_} ${cells_} ${gtf_} --cnv_file ${cnv_} --blacklist_file ${blacklist_} --blacklist_seqs ${blacklist_seqs} --edit_site_min_cells ${min_} -o ${out_dir}
NOTE the parquet.gz files listed below are a binary format (even when unzipped). Example code to read these files in Python and R is provided below.
The output directory for this example is:
Output files include:
- edit_site_info.txt: Has the edit site information, name, location, window size, and overlapping genes.
- edit_sites.bed: Bed file of the edit site locations.
- t7_barcode_edits.tsv: Particular edit events, with detail on which canonical-edit-site the edit belongs to, and the ref and alt sequence at the particular edit site.
- cell_allelic_dosage.canonical-edit-sites.parquet.gz: (cell X edit-site) matrix of counts, for called allelic edits.
- cell_allelic_dosage.canonical-edit-sites.gene-collapsed.parquet.gz: (cell X edit-site OR edit-gene) matrix of allelic edits, but collapse to the gene level for edit-sites that intersect genes.
- cell_gene_mrna_counts.parquet.gz: (cell X gene) The UMI counts per gene, excluding confounding T7 reads.
- t7_barcoded_counts.parquet.gz: (cell X edit-site) matrix with number of t7 barcoded UMIs per cell.
- t7_nonbarcoded_counts.parquet.gz: (cell X edit-site) matrix with number of UMIs per cell for reads that were +/- some distance from canonical edit sites, and were subsequently filtered from gene counting.
- t7_all_counts.parquet.gz: (cell X edit-site) matrix of all T7 related UMIs, addition of both t7_barcoded_counts.parquet.gz AND t7_nonbarcoded_counts.parquet.gz.
- t7_reads.txt: List of call t7 read names in bam.
- t7_barcoded_reads.txt: List of t7 barcoded reads in bam.
- t7_non-barcoded_reads.txt: List of t7 non-barcoded reads in bam.
- t7_filt.bam: Bam file containing only the mRNA reads, i.e. removes reads +/- a certain bp range from the canonical edit sites.
- t7_only.bam: Bam file containing only the t7 reads, which includes barcoded reads as well as some reads that could potentially be t7 reads.
- t7_non-barcoded_only.bam: Bam containing all reads that were within some +/- bp distance from canonical edit sites, potential non-barcoded T7 reads.
- t7_barcoded_only.bam: Bam file containing only the BARCODED t7 reads, called be the kmer match in the 5' soft-clip.
NOTE for the parquet.gz files, these can be rapidly read with pandas in Python:
import pandas as pd
cell_by_gene_edit_dosage = pd.read_parquet("subset_500_cell_sheriff_output/cell_allelic_dosage.canonical-edit-sites.gene-collapsed.parquet.gz")
Or in R:
mamba install r-base
cell_by_gene_edit_dosage <- read_parquet("subset_500_cell_sheriff_output/cell_allelic_dosage.canonical-edit-sites.gene-collapsed.parquet.gz") )
rownames(cell_by_gene_edit_dosage) <- cell_by_gene_edit_dosage[,'__index_level_0__']
cell_by_gene_edit_dosage <- cell_by_gene_edit_dosage[, 1:dim(cell_by_gene_edit_dosage)[2]-1]
Authors: Brad Balderson, Mickey Lorenzini, Aaron Ho, Graham McVicker
Contact: [email protected]