Releases: Greymerk/minecraft-roguelike
JSON Settings BiomeDictionary and Tweaks
- Added forge biome dictionary settings to spawn criteria
- Added "all" optional index to json level settings parser
- Fixed a misplaced torch in the lab
- Various tweaks
Better JSON error handling
- Fixed a bug with secret rooms causing them not to generate properly from JSON Settings
- JSON parse/syntax errors will now be reported to standard error, no longer causing a game crash.
- Dungeon settings will be reloaded from configs when calling the "roguelike dungeon x z name" command variant. Enabling changes to be made to settings without a game restart.
Dungeon Settings Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug with Segments json parsing
- Fixed bug with Secrets json parsing
- Fixed bug with Stripes block factory
Customization Redo
dungeon command changed to "roguelike"
Dungeons are spawned with "roguelike dungeon x z"
Specific custom dungeons spawned with "roguelike dungeon x z name"
Customizations are handled in separate files under config/roguelike_dungeons/settings
roguelike.cfg now found under config/roguelike_dungeons/
Fireworks and Flowers
Added more corridor segments
Changed how segments are generated
Changed novelty rooms to secret rooms
Culled dead end corridors
Added firework launcher room
Minor loot changes
The 1.7.10 Update
- Updated to 1.7.10
- Fixed potion mixtures
- Other minor bug fixes and tweaks
Theme Configuration Update
Added the dungeon theme system.
More configs and Spawn changes
Changed dungeon spawning algorithm to be a bit smarter
Added a configuration for multiple dimension spawning
Added configuration to adjust rate of mob loot drops (only for roguelike spawned mobs)
Added configuration to remove all precious block spawn (lapis, emerald, diamond, gold)
still more general loot tweaking
Alcoves & Fishies
This is the release version that includes new alcoves and redecorating of the silverfishy level.