100+ Chinese Word Vectors 上百种预训练中文词向量
基于Skip-Gram with Negative Sampling的汉语词向量学习和评估
Re-implementation: Ask Me Anything: Dynamic Memory Networks for Natural Language Processing
Implementation of Dynamic memory networks plus in Pytorch
Software in C and data files for the popular GloVe model for distributed word representations, a.k.a. word vectors or embeddings
Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis, PyTorch Implementations. 基于方面的情感分析,使用PyTorch实现。
Tool for downloading sets and photos from Flickr
Upload a directory of media to Flickr to use as a backup to your local storage
A classifier that recognizes emotions in non-facial images. A collaboration between three Stanford students: Noah Jacobson, Katherine Kowalski, and Hasna Rtabi.
Contextual Inter-modal Attention for Multi-modal Sentiment Analysis
simple keras implement for 《Memory Fusion Network for Multi-view Sequential Learning》
attention-based LSTM/Dense implemented by Keras
Visualizing RNNs using the attention mechanism
Keras Layer implementation of Attention for Sequential models
Keras Attention Layer (Luong and Bahdanau scores).
Contextual inter modal attention for multimodal sentiment analysis
Tensorflow implementation of attention mechanism for text classification tasks.
🏄 Scalable embedding, reasoning, ranking for images and sentences with CLIP
[AAAI 2018] Memory Fusion Network for Multi-view Sequential Learning
Non-local Neural Networks for Video Classification
soujanyaporia / IARM
Forked from SenticNet/IARMIARM: Inter-Aspect Relation Modeling with Memory Networks in Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis, EMNLP 2018
Source code for training Gated Multimodal Units on MM-IMDb dataset
Engaged in research to help improve to boost text sentiment analysis using facial features from video using machine learning.
TensorFlow code and pre-trained models for BERT
AskyJx / models
Forked from tensorflow/modelsModels and examples built with TensorFlow