hilo-mpc Public
Forked from hilo-mpc/hilo-mpcHILO-MPC is a Python toolbox for easy, flexible and fast development of machine-learning-supported optimal control and estimation problems
CS50x-2022 Public
Forked from tiagobpires/CS50x-2022🎓 Harvard CS50x 2022 - problem sets solutions
C UpdatedMay 9, 2022 -
Convert_PPT_to_PDF Public
This repository has the supporting material for a youtube tutorial on converting an (animated) Powerpoint presentation into an (animated) PDF file. The video link is here:
This is a workshop on implementing model predictive control (MPC) and moving horizon estimation (MHE) on Matlab. The implementation is based on the Casadi Package which is used for numerical optimi…
PowerpointToPDF Public
Forked from David-Brewin/PowerpointToPDFA VBA macro to convert PowerPoint to PDF, with one page per animation step. Caters for paragraph animations and provides optional page (slide) numbering.
CL-CBS Public
Forked from APRIL-ZJU/CL-CBSAn Efficient Multi-Agent Path Finding Solver for Car-Like Robots
RHCR Public
Forked from Jiaoyang-Li/RHCRAn efficient solver for lifelong Multi-Agent Path Finding
AE_ENVE_GEOE_121 Public
Forked from chulminy/AE_ENVE_GEOE_121AE/ENVE/GEOE 121: Computational Method (Spring, 2020) at University of Waterloo
MATLAB UpdatedDec 10, 2020 -
libMultiRobotPlanning Public
Forked from whoenig/libMultiRobotPlanningLibrary with search algorithms for task and path planning for multi robot/agent systems
C++ MIT License UpdatedSep 30, 2020 -
Continuous-CBS Public
Forked from PathPlanning/Continuous-CBSContinuous CBS - a modification of conflict based search algorithm, that allows to perform actions (move, wait) of arbitrary duration. Timeline is not discretized, i.e. is continuous.
Modern-cpp-Projects Public
some learning projects I did using modern cpp
EasyClangComplete Public
Forked from niosus/EasyClangComplete💥 Robust C/C++ code completion for Sublime Text 3
Python MIT License UpdatedAug 7, 2020 -
ninja Public
Forked from ninja-build/ninjaa small build system with a focus on speed
C++ Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJul 7, 2020 -
pinocchio Public
Forked from stack-of-tasks/pinocchioA fast and flexible implementation of Rigid Body Dynamics algorithms and their analytical derivatives
C++ Other UpdatedJun 19, 2020 -
must-have-tools Public
Forked from nachovizzo/must-have-toolsThis is a wikisitory meant to provide some core guidelines on what to do after installing a GNU/Linux distribution from scratch. Forked from https://gitlab.igg.uni-bonn.de/teaching/must-have-tools …
MIT License UpdatedMay 21, 2020 -
These are the material used for a video tutorial on inserting Latex equations into PowerPoint presentations. The video tutorial can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LC6SYNlTOOI
Multi-Agent-Path-Finding Public
Forked from GavinPHR/Multi-Agent-Path-FindingAnonymous Multi-Agent Path Finding (MAPF) with Conflict-Based Search and Space-Time A*
Space-Time-AStar Public
Forked from GavinPHR/Space-Time-AStarA* Search Algorithm with an Additional Time Dimension to Deal with Dynamic Obstacles
Model-Predictive-Control-SSY281 Public
Forked from salmagro/Model-Predictive-Control-SSY281Repository for the course "Model Predictive Control" - SSY281 at Chalmers University of Technology
RRTx Public
Forked from rahul-sb/RRTxReal-Time Path Replanning in Unexplored Environments with Unpredictable Obstacles
MATLAB GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedAug 3, 2019 -
cmake-templates Public
Forked from district10/cmake-templatesSome CMake Templates (examples). Qt, Boost, OpenCV, C++11, etc 一些栗子
ipb_homework_checker Public
Forked from PRBonn/ipb_homework_checker✔️ A generic homework checker that we use to automatically check students homework
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedDec 17, 2018 -
This repository includes an instruction file for how to get the ROS navigation stack working by using summit xl mobile robots in simulations. More details about implementing these instructions and …
homeTestProject Public
A project of creating a network gecoding service. The service returns latitude and longitude coordinates for a give address or a list of adresses. The service is based on goolge maps and Here maps.
RealTimePathPlanning Public
Forked from rishabh1b/RealTimePathPlanningSampling based rewiring approaches to solve motion planning problems for a robot with dynamic obstacles
C++ UpdatedFeb 5, 2018 -
llvm-build Public
Forked from berkus/llvm-buildBuild and install LLVM toolchain
Shell UpdatedJun 30, 2017 -