Forked from Benkoff/WebRTC-SSWebRTC Signaling Server
VNAPNIC / Messio
Forked from adityadroid/MessioAn open source messenger app built using flutter
Forked from thisisyusub/HandyIn Development: Healthier is a mobile app created by Flutter. It is used to control your different health activities. We will use BLoC pattern for this app.
VNAPNIC / flutter_sms
Forked from geordyvc/flutter_smsSMS library for flutter
Android Custom Camera with audio effects to attract pets
example on how to leverage the accessory mode to communicate between 2 Android devices
Forked from intuit/sdpAn Android SDK that provides a new size unit - sdp (scalable dp). This size unit scales with the screen size.
Sample project to demonstrate packaging Spring Boot application into multiple deployment artifacts in a single build
A Spring Boot Microservice Example that includes Eureka Server, Zuul Gatway (JWT and RBA), Spring Cloud Config Server, Hystrix (Circuit Breaker) and three custom services for data.
VNAPNIC / apollo
Forked from apolloconfig/apolloApollo is a reliable configuration management system suitable for microservice configuration management scenarios.
Flutter plugin support peer-to-peer connectivity and the discovery of nearby devices for Android vs IOS
The flutter plugin supports running on two screens. It's basically a tablet connected to another screen via an HDMI or Wireless